Thursday, August 23, 2012

Razzberry Peach Jam Time :D

 Home grown peaches from my peach tree!!
 Blanched idea EVER!
 Run those peaches through the blender, add the sugar and Razzberries in a big pot! Boil for 10 minutes!
 DON'T forget to KISS THE COOK.....she is a PEACH!
 Look how pretty it is after it cooks down and you add Razzberry Jello! woot woot!

Use a funnel to not make too big of a mess........see those drips? I am not a perfectionist :D
 Put those jars on the steam bath for 30 minutes!
Listen for the pop!pop!pop! as they seal! and you have Beautiful jam.....Made with LOVE <3

10 Cups of Peaches, peeled, mashed or run through blender for a few seconds
10 Cups of Sugar
6 Cups Razzberries
Boil 10 minutes. Remove from heat.
Add 2 Packages...6 oz.....slowly so it doesn't clump. Stip until dissolved. Pour in to sterilized jars and steam bath for 30 minutes.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My troubles......

Sadly, I have troubles. I need a "procedure" well I really need "surgery" but being a bick bok-bok chicken, I am having a "procedure". I swear I would go tomorrow if they would let me!!! I have been putting it off way too long and am now paying the price!
My husband will be out of town the day of my "procedure" I am asking my friend for a lift too and from the "procedure" and to sit with me when I try to wake up from the..........drugs?I have to be completely put under.  Anyway, I kinda want someone to bring me dinner that night. My mom has her first day of school that day and I just can't ask her cuz she will be super stressed. I bet if I told my VT's they would bring it. Only problem is, I kinda don't want anyone to know haha. That's why I am putting it on my blog. hahahhahahaha
Noone reads this boring old thing anyway. If you really want to know me, read my face book page. This will NOT be posted on my facebook page. I try to keep that, LIGHT, FUNNY, SARCASTIC, and maybe even a little naughty.
I am worried I might die. If I die what will happen to my kids. They need a mother. They need me. I will be fine. I have lots of things left to do on this earth. Then again, who knows when you will die. LaRue died before seeing a single grandchild. Before meeting me. Who knows what will happen. I just wish I didn't have troubles. I have felt like garbage for 8 months now. I just have to do something, I can't keep feeling like this.
Okay, enough crying about needing a "procedure" I am going to go make a treat for my friend who brought me "stuff" this morning so I could go to the grocery store for my family.
Sometimes, being a girl, Really SUCKS!
Have a Great Day!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Natures Deadliest!!!

Second day of school and I get a phone call from the school nurse right after lunch recess.........Calvin has passed out in the nurses office after he was sent there with BLISTERS from the monkey bars. She cleaned them up and he was watching her. He went down like a tree! This is the same child that passed out watching Ralphies inside story last spring. UGH!
So we drove to Maverik for a pepsi. Pepsi is a cure all of course. As we are driving home, he says to me " mom, the monkey bars should be on natures deadliest"
hahahahahahhahahahha this is my kid who watches fear factor and natures deadliest all the time! Poor kid just can't stand the sight of his own blood or Ralphies animated blood apparently!
Oh well, more snuggle time with my baby :D

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Where has the time gone?

There she is, my senior in High School. I can still remember dropping her off for her first day of Kindergarten. I was so worried all morning. Finally, after lunch, I loaded my 3 babies in the car. (Cameron had just turned 2. I was tending Logan who was almost 2 and Kenady was 3 months old.) We drove up to the school and as I drove past the lunch time recess, there she was, running, laughing, a smile from ear to ear. I got all choked up and thought to myself, "she doesn't need me anymore." She is now almost 18 years old and she still needs me. I sent her out the door this morning for her first day as a senior in high school. She is at a new school this year. Trying to get a bunch of college classes out of the way. She has turned into a beautiful, driven, spiritually minded girl. I love her and am so blessed to have a daughter and a best friend like her. Good luck today Kels! MLY
These 2 knot heads are not even 2 years apart. They have piggy backed each other in school thier whole lives. They are both equally obnoxious. As I drove them to school this morning, they were being extra obnoxious. I can barely get a word in edge wise with all thier little wise cracks. But they make me smile and laugh. We gave Kenady a hard time for wearing Irish green socks today?? Not sure what that means. haha She is darling and he is handsome. Thank HEAVENS neither of them have discovered the opposite sex. He still says girls are bossy and nothing but trouble! She says boys are gross an annoying! Phew! I am glad to have a break from the Roller Coaster ride of middle school and high school crushes. Kelsey has worn me out! They both play in the band....drums and trumpet for him. Clarinet for her! Have a great day you two crazies! MLY!
Well, what can you say about this cute, darling, sweet, fabulous, adorable, smoochie rooster? He is my baby! 3rd grade this year baby. *sniff sniff* Mommy will miss him all day. This kid is afraid of the lunch monitor and takes a home lunch everyday because of it. This has caused that he WILL not eat a sandwich at any other time of his life. He eats them for lunch all school year and won't touch them other than that. He is so cute. He loves frogs! I said, "Let's put some gel in your hair" and he said "NO!" That's okay, he has plenty of time to look good for the ladies :D. Have a great day Calvin! MLY <3