Thursday, August 23, 2012

Razzberry Peach Jam Time :D

 Home grown peaches from my peach tree!!
 Blanched idea EVER!
 Run those peaches through the blender, add the sugar and Razzberries in a big pot! Boil for 10 minutes!
 DON'T forget to KISS THE COOK.....she is a PEACH!
 Look how pretty it is after it cooks down and you add Razzberry Jello! woot woot!

Use a funnel to not make too big of a mess........see those drips? I am not a perfectionist :D
 Put those jars on the steam bath for 30 minutes!
Listen for the pop!pop!pop! as they seal! and you have Beautiful jam.....Made with LOVE <3

10 Cups of Peaches, peeled, mashed or run through blender for a few seconds
10 Cups of Sugar
6 Cups Razzberries
Boil 10 minutes. Remove from heat.
Add 2 Packages...6 oz.....slowly so it doesn't clump. Stip until dissolved. Pour in to sterilized jars and steam bath for 30 minutes.


  1. What a BEAUTIFUL thing, the jam, you AND the recipe. WAHOOO! Kiss the Cook for sure.

  2. Wish I was not allergic to peaches! It looks soooo good! ~S
