Every year when my kids go back to school, I find myself slipping into a new routine. This year I have some lofty goals! My mom retired in May and her and I are going to become family history buddies! Every Tuesday! That's the day....No excuses!
Thursday is going to by my temple day. That's my goal, every week a trip to the temple!
I am going to go into town a day each week and take my handsome freshman out to lunch! Seems like a good idea. I am trying to dig deep and find that self motivation I seem to have lost somewhere over the last couple years and get recommitted to a serious exercise program. That's going to have to happen M-F! NO excuses. It's always funner with a friend. I am short on those these days. Everyone is working! No problem, I need to be self motivated. I need to be my own best friend!
I have some good plans. I just need to get going. Calvin leaves for school at 8:40 each morning. I better shoot to turn this place into a sweat factory at 9 A.M. I better stay away from the bathtub. It's so tempting when everyone is gone but me to lay in that hot tub!
COMMITTED! You can do it. I've got to read the Book of Mormon daily, so let's be committed in different things, but get it done each of us. Good luck. Love you.