Thursday, November 14, 2013

One year older and grumpier too!

It's my birthday next week. I never dreaded a birthday until now. I am fat. I am grouchy. I am craving some good news. Turning 41, does not sound like good news. Birthdays are just like any other day. Except you hope it will be a little magical, and it isn't.
The way this world is now, I don't like it. I want to go back. Back to the days where we had good clean TV shows. Back when every song on the radio wasn't about SEX. Back when men didn't swear in front of ladies. Back when All of the ten commandments were taken seriously by MOST people. Back when I could talk to peoples faces, not communicate through text messages and emails. Back when we taught forgiveness, not exploitation and drama, drama, drama! Back when Honesty and virtue were the popular things. I long for simpler times. I hope for a time the world returns to the lost virtues of love, honesty, morality, civility, learning, forgiveness and mercy, thrift and industry, gratitude, optimism, and faith. I am trying so hard to teach these things to my children. When they go out into a world that teaches them it's cool and funny to be disrespectful, or rude, they bring it home. This world we live in is so corrupt. I can't stand the un-virtuous things we see on the media and hear in popular music. I am SO SICK AND TIRED OF PEOPLE JUSTIFYING EVERYTHING BECAUSE--  "I DESERVE TO BE HAPPY!"
I feel grumpy due to all the bad choices. How will I not lose my kids to the standards of the world? Or the bitterness, and anger and resentment that Satan is stirring up in the hearts of all of us? I long for the Saviors second coming. I feel frightened by what lies ahead. How much worse can it get? How many more ugly things can we justify?
I want to go back. I want to go back to a better time. Did I really say I wanted to come to earth now? What was I thinking? Good GREIF!
I know there is good in the world..............just not seeing too much of it lately.

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