Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Today I am just so very grateful that my husband is home until MONDAY! SO VERY GRATEFUL! He Has to work the next 3 days but he is home with us each night and not working in Salt Lake!
Monday, November 26, 2012
Today I am grateful for Life's Lessons Learned. I sure have learned a lot these past few years. I am quite proud of how I seem to handle a whole array of things that a few years ago would have derailed me! Who am I kidding, they totally did derail me! Growing up- feels pretty good ♥
Sunday, November 25, 2012
I am very grateful for this Thanksgiving break my kids have had to just relax and chill. Mostly I am grateful that they have been home with me....keeping me company. Family really is the most important thing. Nothing can compare to the love we feel with our family ♥
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Today I feel extra grateful for Missionaries! They make such a personal sacrifice to serve the Lord and help others come unto Christ. Kelsey has made up her mind that she is going to put her papers in next August so she can leave within days of her 19th birthday. SO......Today Kelsey went on splits with the sister missionaries, and came home full of excitement for that day that she too can serve. I also follow my friend Kim's blog and her son is serving in England on his mission. Every Monday I log onto my computer to read Zachs letters. They inspire me and remind me of the amazing change that the Lord can make in our lives when we serve him humbly and faithfully. I am excited to support Kelsey and then Cameron and hopefully Kenady and Calvin on full time missions someday. The Lord loves all his children and wants them to all return to live with him someday. ♥
Friday, November 23, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving One and All!
Today I am grateful for Family traditions! I love my family and I am so excited to spend Thanksgiving with them ♥ I wish my little sister was coming---to complete the day. *sigh*
Gobble til you Wobble everyone!
Today I am grateful for Family traditions! I love my family and I am so excited to spend Thanksgiving with them ♥ I wish my little sister was coming---to complete the day. *sigh*
Gobble til you Wobble everyone!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
I am so grateful for all the birthday wishes! Thanks so much everyone! I have felt truly loved and my love language of words of affirmation has been completely satisfied! Thanks all XOXOXOXOXO
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Today I feel really grateful for life. What a miracle it is. I would not have wanted to be born anywhere else but here at this time and in this place. I feel blessed to have been born into a family that raised me with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. I am grateful to be Me....Sherrie ♥ I am grateful for my life, it's been a good one so far ;)
Today I feel very grateful for TIME. The time I have been given with people I love. Everything changes, sad but true. The time we have together is truly a blessing. I will enjoy every moment I get with those I live with, laugh with, learn with, serve with, grow with and LOVE! I am truly blessed with TIME to love all those in my life.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Today I am so grateful for the chance I have had to teach The Book Of Mormon to my Sunday School class this year. As I have studied and prepared each lesson, my own testimony of the scriptures, as well as my belief in the teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has grown and developed. I look into the eyes of these 14,15 and 16 year old kids and I see such great Potential. Our youth today need more good examples and less critics; but these kids have been good examples to me. I know that they have felt the spirit and I know that the Book Of Mormon was written for our time. I am grateful for the service we have the opportunity to give in this gospel of Jesus Christ and how it blesses our lives as well as the lives of others. <3
Friday, November 16, 2012
Today I am so grateful for all the friends in my life!
Each year I make new friends and just keep collecting them like shoes really :D I have friends out there that have been apart of school, parents deaths, birth of children, good times, sad times, weight loss, weight gain.......tee hee....heartache, disappointment, lots of laughter and lots of tears. I have made life long friendships in church callings I appreciate good friends that don't accept me as I am, but encourage me to be better! I have friends that are old and friends that are young.....we woman need each other to learn from and lean on! The best advice and counsel has come from good friends. We can never have enough friends. I want to add, My mom and sisters are among my best friends. I am grateful for friendships ♥
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Me? Sarcastic? Now that's just CRAZY talk! hahahaha
We need a little break from all the serious posts Sherrie Dix~
Okay~ So, I am so grateful for HUMOR! I love to laugh! I can find humor in every situation........sadly.....hah a
I am truly grateful for people who can laugh at themselves and people that make me laugh! I would rather laugh than cry............sometimes I do cry when I laugh hard enough. :)
We need a little break from all the serious posts Sherrie Dix~
Okay~ So, I am so grateful for HUMOR! I love to laugh! I can find humor in every situation........sadly.....hah
I am truly grateful for people who can laugh at themselves and people that make me laugh! I would rather laugh than cry............sometimes I do cry when I laugh hard enough. :)
You can't even believe all the nonsense that runs through my head when I see or think or read stuff that makes me laugh. I think the funniest things. I truly am so very grateful for all the things I have shared this month in my gratitude posts...........They are all so serious, I feel super heavy so I had to lighten the mood a little!
Now go out and make today a great day!
Now go out and make today a great day!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
" Life becomes easier when you learn to accept an apology you never get"
~Robert Brault~
“Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs.”
~ Charlotte Brontë~, Jane Eyre
I am so grateful for forgiveness. I want to be forgiven and I want to forgive. Be QUICK to advice! I am grateful for softened hearts and humble attitudes ♥ I am so grateful for the Atonement of the Savior and how it can help us heal from every manner of hurt. I am so grateful to Know better than to hate. I hope I can always forgive and be forgiven. ♥
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Today I feel very grateful for all the people in the world that take a little extra time each day to make others feel special. Simple acts of kindness and words of encouragement, as well as a smile, a hug, a sincere compliment can go a long way. My love language is words or affirmation! I love to give them, I love to get them. I love to see others give and get them. Oh the Power of words............I want to be more aware of waht comes out of my mouth so I can always make sure it will help, not hurt. I really need to try harder. Thanks to all those who make others feel special ♥
Monday, November 12, 2012
♥ I am so grateful for the people my mom and dad are. They are so simple. My dad and mom have led good lives and I am proud of the people they are. They taught me the gospel and raised me in a gospel centered home. The...
y are good examples of honesty and hard work as well as generosity and love. My mom has a song for everything and she will just break out in song~most of them are primary songs haha :D My dad is super grumpy! It's really funny :D especially when he raises his eyebrow at you! They have helped me through some very hard times in my life. My dad works in his yard with my son Cameron each week and my son cherishes those times. He gets very emotional talking about how he loves his grandpa. My mom is the best grandma. She rode a bus for 24 hours once to come help me in Omaha Nebraska after I had Cameron. My kids adore her. They have gotten better with age and I sure appreciate all they do for my family. We had the chance to eat Sunday dinner with them yesterday and we had so much fun! I love You Jerry and Colleen ♥
Thanks for everything!
Thanks for everything!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
So thankful for all the veterans who sacrificed so much for the Freedoms we enjoy in this country. Countless~ Priceless Acts of Heroism and Courage.............♥
So many to name and so many to count.........My heart is so full for those who paid the ultimate sacrifices from the earliest of conficts to those still serving today.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Today I feel so grateful for all the stages of life. I have 4 kids that are all in school. I do miss the days of having them home to love and snuggle and care for. I do also enjoy these times, for the most part, where they are fairly independant, no one is in diapers, they go to school allowing me to make trips to wal mart alone :D, pursue my hobbies and interests, not feel like a basket ...
case and think back on the good old days when they were all home to snuggle and care for! haha :D
I also like my stage of life...........I feel more loving and accepting of my self now more than ever. I have gray hair, I have love handles, I have a few wrinkles.....But I really like that person I see when I look in the mirror. I know what is in her heart each day. I look back on all the years of my life and I am glad to be where I am. I also feel like my personal relationship with my Savior is growing each day as I reflect on my life and see the role he plays.....Life is GOOD ♥
Make today a GREAT DAY!
I also like my stage of life...........I feel more loving and accepting of my self now more than ever. I have gray hair, I have love handles, I have a few wrinkles.....But I really like that person I see when I look in the mirror. I know what is in her heart each day. I look back on all the years of my life and I am glad to be where I am. I also feel like my personal relationship with my Savior is growing each day as I reflect on my life and see the role he plays.....Life is GOOD ♥
Make today a GREAT DAY!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Today I feel especially grateful for the skills and talents we each possess. All of our special abilities add too the wonderful world we live in. Some create beautiful things to see-some create yummy things to eat-some lovely things to hear-others Inspiring words to motivate. As we all live and learn and love and grow in this life, we give and take so much from each other. I love to share my talents. Others talents have touched and blessed my life. I am so grateful for talents of my own and the amazing talents of others. Don't be afraid to share who you are and what you have to offer ♥ Have a great day!!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
SO very Grateful for inspired leaders on our church
"Men may fail in this country, earthquakes may come, seas may heave beyond their bounds, there may be great drought, disaster, and hardship, but this nation, founded on principles laid down by men whom God raised up, will never fail. This is the cradle of humanity, where life on this eart...
See More
"Men may fail in this country, earthquakes may come, seas may heave beyond their bounds, there may be great drought, disaster, and hardship, but this nation, founded on principles laid down by men whom God raised up, will never fail. This is the cradle of humanity, where life on this eart...
h began in the Garden of Eden. This is the place of the new Jerusalem. This is the place that the Lord said is favored above all other nations in all the world. This is the place where the Savior will come to His temple. This is the favored land in all the world. Yes, I repeat, men may fail, but this nation won’t fail. I have faith in America; you and I must have faith in America, if we understand the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are living in a day when we must pay heed to these challenges.
"I plead with you not to preach pessimism. Preach that this is the greatest country in all the world. This is the favored land. This is the land of our forefathers. It is the nation that will stand despite whatever trials or crises it may yet have to pass through."
-Harold B. Lee
"I plead with you not to preach pessimism. Preach that this is the greatest country in all the world. This is the favored land. This is the land of our forefathers. It is the nation that will stand despite whatever trials or crises it may yet have to pass through."
-Harold B. Lee
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
So Grateful for a free country. We are so truly blessed to live in this country at this time and enjoy the freedoms and luxuries so many have fought and died for. What are we doing to keep that? Don't take it for granted. Love this country and the blessings it brings. Today is election day.......AMERICA... Your VOTE counts. Don't stay home. VOTE... For America, for our kids, and for our way of life.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Today I am so grateful for the beautiful Indian Summers Cedar City blesses us with. Fall is my favorite time of year.....this is the place for the best Autumns! ♥
The beauty of each season helps me see Heavenly Fathers hand in all things.
Today I am so grateful for the beautiful Indian Summers Cedar City blesses us with. Fall is my favorite time of year.....this is the place for the best Autumns! ♥
The beauty of each season helps me see Heavenly Fathers hand in all things.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Today I am so grateful for my son Camerons desire to learn to cook! This last few months especially, he has been cooking dinner with me in the kitchen almost every night. It is so very helpful to have a special cooking buddy! Tonight he helped me make Lasagna Soup. It was so yummy! I am glad I can share this time and talent with him. I sure do love you Camer! SO Grateful for you buddy!
Saturday, November 3, 2012
11-3-2012 today I am especially thankful for beautiful girls who shared their teenage years with me as the YW president. Some are married now, some engaged, some single, some still in high school and middle school. All of you touched my life in so many ways. I cherish our memories and friendships. It's a joy to see you all grow and mature and become the women and young women the Savior needs you to be. Stay Virtuous, Lovely and Strong. I am So grateful for all I learned from you and in turn learned about myself and the Saviors love for each and everyone of us.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Today I am so grateful for my Heritage. I traveled to Richfield with my mom and dad this morning to attend my uncle Joes Funeral. My uncle Joe was my dads oldest brother. Joe was a true cowboy. A good ol boy. He was the oldest of 9 children. He had a hard life until he married my aunt Chris and adopted her 3 tiny boys later on in his life. He was so funny and so living and good. My uncle Joe was only 71. My dad has the best family. The Bybees are my favorite. They are all so down to earth and nice. I am proud to be a Bybee. Heaven will be so fun with all of them. So thankful for the truly amazing heritage I have.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
It's November and I am going to post something everyday this month I am grateful for. Today I am grateful for good examples. People who inspire me to be better~do better~live better and be a better example. Stand up for what is right. Do what is right. Be kind. Be good. Even if you stand alone, someone needs your example and strength.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
How Bout Them Apples?
I made these for my friends family picture...........If you were these apples, would you feel picture worthy?
You are not alone..........
Here is a little thought for everyone who has ever felt alone-unloved-discouraged-unap preciated-tired-stressed-sad-h eartbroken-disappointed-lonely -lost-hopeless-angry-hateful.. is hard, people do care and The Lord Loves All Of His Children.... Don't you give up! Keep Going! Keep Trying! Keep Hoping! Keep Loving! Keep Forgiving! Keep Praying! You Are NOT Alone ♥
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
God on High..............Hear My Prayer........
Today I went and saw Les Miserables at the Utah Shakespearean Festival.........It was so AMAZING! I just felt like the whole thing was such an emotional-spiritual experience. I love how the Lord has blessed actors, writers, musicians, singers, with talents that can evoke such passion and emotion in us that we want to make the world a better place. Inspire us to be kinder, be better, be more forgiving. I am not educated, I am not musical! I am a very simple person, but I do know that the Lord Truly does love us.
♪♫♪ GOD ON HIGH...............HEAR MY PRAYER........ ♪♫♪
♪♫♪ GOD ON HIGH...............HEAR MY PRAYER........ ♪♫♪
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Frank the Tank at Tough Mudder...............I really have NO words!
He's ready for the Olympics.......Look for him in 2016
Go Frank! GO!
The whole gang!
This is what happens when a man is locked in a pharmacy all the time!
His laundry smelled like SEWAGE!! SO SICK!
Come on old man! A woman is beating you!
Natures Deadliest Monkey bars! You fall into a pit of snakes?
Frank the Tank~ Tanked!
Electric shock cables!
Go Frank! GO!
The whole gang!
This is what happens when a man is locked in a pharmacy all the time!
His laundry smelled like SEWAGE!! SO SICK!
Come on old man! A woman is beating you!
Natures Deadliest Monkey bars! You fall into a pit of snakes?
Frank the Tank~ Tanked!
Electric shock cables!
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Come listen to a Prophets voice and hear the words of God....
Oh my goodness I love those men. I do! I love them. My goodness I know to be true the new revelation that young men and young women can serve missions at the age of 18 for boys and 19 for girls! Missionary work is rolling forward! I hope my sons and daughters serve! I hope all those young men get excited for this wonderful news and get ready to serve a mission! Let's all help them by being Christlike. Let's be amazing examples of what Latter Day Saints are! Let's remember it is in our words, our actions, our dress, and the way we treat other people that we set the best example! Lets help all those missionaries by praying for the souls that are seeking the answers. Let's be examples of the believers!
WE are so blessed to have these men! The Lord loves us! He knows us! He longs to answer our prayers!
WE are so blessed to have these men! The Lord loves us! He knows us! He longs to answer our prayers!
Friday, October 5, 2012
Calvin, Calvin, Calvin.
My youngest little smoochie rooster is Calvin. I really just adore that kid. I love all my kids of course. Yesterday he says to me..."mom, I sure wish I had flabby arm skin like you. I could flap it around and I would have something to do in class when I get bored."
He is just so stinkin' cute!
One time while we were eating at Pizza Factory. He was slurping up his alfredo and it was all over his face! I mean, all over his face! Kenady looks at him and says "Calvin! That is not how you eat in a restaraunt!" He looks at her as she is winding her noodles around her fork all lady like and says........"Kenady! That is how a woman eats! I am not a woman, I am a man! And A man eats like this!"
I enjoy my kids so much! They make me laugh so hard! I am so blessed with them.
Calvin just won a pizza factory giveaway for that story! I would say eating like a man does have it's perks!
Have a Great DAY!
He is just so stinkin' cute!
One time while we were eating at Pizza Factory. He was slurping up his alfredo and it was all over his face! I mean, all over his face! Kenady looks at him and says "Calvin! That is not how you eat in a restaraunt!" He looks at her as she is winding her noodles around her fork all lady like and says........"Kenady! That is how a woman eats! I am not a woman, I am a man! And A man eats like this!"
I enjoy my kids so much! They make me laugh so hard! I am so blessed with them.
Calvin just won a pizza factory giveaway for that story! I would say eating like a man does have it's perks!
Have a Great DAY!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
I love PUNKIN' stuff
I made this yesterday! Let me tell you how I did it......because I did add some stuff that the recipe I got off pinterest did not include!
1 yellow cake mix
1 small can of pumpkin puree and *1 TBLS of pumkin pie spice* I added that cuz I like FLAVOR, the original recipe did not call for it so you can leave it out if you are boring and bland haha
Mix these 3 and NOTHING ELSE then
bake according to pkg directions. Let cool for 30 minutes.
Poke holes in the cake with the end of a wooden spoon and pour a can of sweetened condensed milk over it and refridgerate until cool. Whip a pint of *whipping cream * the recipe called for cool whip but Sherrie Dix, does not use cool whip. *I added 1 tsp nutmeg to the whipping cream because I love nutmeg.*
Spread the cool whip on and then sprinkle with crushed heath bar and take a knife and swirl caramel around the heath and whipping cream. Refridgerate this, about 2 hours! OH MY SWEET MERCY......It was so yum!
1 yellow cake mix
1 small can of pumpkin puree and *1 TBLS of pumkin pie spice* I added that cuz I like FLAVOR, the original recipe did not call for it so you can leave it out if you are boring and bland haha
Mix these 3 and NOTHING ELSE then
bake according to pkg directions. Let cool for 30 minutes.
Poke holes in the cake with the end of a wooden spoon and pour a can of sweetened condensed milk over it and refridgerate until cool. Whip a pint of *whipping cream * the recipe called for cool whip but Sherrie Dix, does not use cool whip. *I added 1 tsp nutmeg to the whipping cream because I love nutmeg.*
Spread the cool whip on and then sprinkle with crushed heath bar and take a knife and swirl caramel around the heath and whipping cream. Refridgerate this, about 2 hours! OH MY SWEET MERCY......It was so yum!
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Kelsey's Senior Homecoming
This is always my favorite part!
Cute kids! Good Friends! Fun date!
LOL! This is my favorite!
SO lovely!
Nice Job on the corsage!
Cute kids! Good Friends! Fun date!
LOL! This is my favorite!
SO lovely!
Nice Job on the corsage!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
My favorite view
Tonight while I was making dinner, I looked over the bar above my sink and this is what I saw.........My heart melted and I grabbed my camera to take a picture of my boys! I love that man! He is so good to me. Loves my kids. Takes good care of us!
And that little turkey Calvin! He melts my heart.........
Then Calvin slid off his dads shoulders and Jeff gave me his super cute smile............
I made them tri tip roast, homemade rolls, cheddar squash bake, and loaded potatoe casserole. Oh my goodness I love Sunday dinner with my family. It is the ONLY night of the week Jeff is home for dinner with us and I make it amazing just for him. I sure do love my family!
And that little turkey Calvin! He melts my heart.........
Then Calvin slid off his dads shoulders and Jeff gave me his super cute smile............
I made them tri tip roast, homemade rolls, cheddar squash bake, and loaded potatoe casserole. Oh my goodness I love Sunday dinner with my family. It is the ONLY night of the week Jeff is home for dinner with us and I make it amazing just for him. I sure do love my family!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Cam, Ken and Calvin!
I really just love and adore my children. My goodness having 3 teenagers gets a hair overwhelming at times.......But I really do love them all and enjoy each days new adventures!
Kenady brought home her school pictures yesterday~ MY GOODNESS if she isn't a darling little blonde girl! She just looks so stinkin' cute in her 7th grade picture!
Kenady is my tender hearted little gal! She is just so tender and sensitive. WE sure do love our Kenady.
Cameron and Calvin are my boys. They are best pals. Cam is 14 and Calving is 9. They are so good to each other! They make me laugh out loud EVERYDAY! The other day after school they were having a snack of peanut butter and apple slices. Camer put his peanut butter in a little shot glass sized paper cup and sat down on the chair. Calvin, watching him do this, just grabs the huge tub of peanut butter, (because we go through a lot around here, I buy the HUGE tub) and plops it down on the table and says "Cameron, that is how a girl dips apples in peanut butter. This is how a man does it." Then he dips his apple in the tub of peanut butter!
I really Love these kids!
Thanks you Dear Heavenly Father for sending them to me! My life is kinda lonely all day while they are at school. Where would I be without them?
Have a Great Day!
Kenady brought home her school pictures yesterday~ MY GOODNESS if she isn't a darling little blonde girl! She just looks so stinkin' cute in her 7th grade picture!
Kenady is my tender hearted little gal! She is just so tender and sensitive. WE sure do love our Kenady.
Cameron and Calvin are my boys. They are best pals. Cam is 14 and Calving is 9. They are so good to each other! They make me laugh out loud EVERYDAY! The other day after school they were having a snack of peanut butter and apple slices. Camer put his peanut butter in a little shot glass sized paper cup and sat down on the chair. Calvin, watching him do this, just grabs the huge tub of peanut butter, (because we go through a lot around here, I buy the HUGE tub) and plops it down on the table and says "Cameron, that is how a girl dips apples in peanut butter. This is how a man does it." Then he dips his apple in the tub of peanut butter!
I really Love these kids!
Thanks you Dear Heavenly Father for sending them to me! My life is kinda lonely all day while they are at school. Where would I be without them?
Have a Great Day!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Kindness begins with me
I really love people who are kind. They make me have faith in humanity. They are the best of people. Last night I held my darling girl in my arms while she cried her little eyes out because she had to let some boy down easy. She is so good. So sweet. So kind. She felt so bad this boy was so crazy about her and she only likes him as a friend.
She says "Mom, he is so awesome. He is so sweet and nice. We have so much in common with the gospel and just who we are inside. I just don't want to be tied down to one guy. I want to have fun. I hate hurting people. I hope he doesn't hate me and I hope he will stay my friend. I sure hope Heavenly Father will help him understand why this is not the right time to steady date."
If this wasn't a time to teach kindness and love, I don't know what is. WE talked and prayed together. This life is so hard. I am so glad for lessons about kindness and love. We are all children of a Heavenly Father who loves us. He LOVES each of us. We can help each other through this mortal life that is so filled with pain and suffering. I hope I can be better everyday at being kind.
I believe this quote to be true~
Be kind to unkind people~they need it the most ♥
I also believe~
The BEST and most clear indicator that we are progressing spriitually is the way we treat other people~ Marvin J. Ashton
The message is clear........I want to be kind to everyone for that is right you see. So, I say to myself, remember this, Kindness begins with me!
Be kind. Teach your children to be kind. Teach love and forgiveness. Do as the Savior did.
Have a Great Day!
She says "Mom, he is so awesome. He is so sweet and nice. We have so much in common with the gospel and just who we are inside. I just don't want to be tied down to one guy. I want to have fun. I hate hurting people. I hope he doesn't hate me and I hope he will stay my friend. I sure hope Heavenly Father will help him understand why this is not the right time to steady date."
If this wasn't a time to teach kindness and love, I don't know what is. WE talked and prayed together. This life is so hard. I am so glad for lessons about kindness and love. We are all children of a Heavenly Father who loves us. He LOVES each of us. We can help each other through this mortal life that is so filled with pain and suffering. I hope I can be better everyday at being kind.
I believe this quote to be true~
Be kind to unkind people~they need it the most ♥
I also believe~
The BEST and most clear indicator that we are progressing spriitually is the way we treat other people~ Marvin J. Ashton
The message is clear........I want to be kind to everyone for that is right you see. So, I say to myself, remember this, Kindness begins with me!
Be kind. Teach your children to be kind. Teach love and forgiveness. Do as the Savior did.
Have a Great Day!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Creative Dating :D
Kelsey got asked to Homecoming!
Hey you little "Hot Tamale"!Can you connect the "DOTS"?
There is a "Big Hunk"
Not some "Dud" or "Goober"
who wants to make your "Starburst"
Don't break my heart to "Pieces"
but be a "Lifesaver" and
Be my "Sugar Baby" @
She pulled the candy bars off and connected the dotted letters on back!
Spelling his name Kenny......His name is Kendal Carter and he called me Tuesday all in a panic hoping he wasn't to late to get Kelsey as his date to Homecoming!
I sure do think this creative dating is fun! I think they were just starting to do it when I was in high school. Kelsey is so PICKY about how she answers! I was in Wal Mart for a hour trying to help her figure out a great way to say yes!
WE ended up getting a big yellow dump truck and put a box of honey buns in it and a sign that said..........You can haul my honey buns to the dance!.......Pretty cute!
She is at a new school this year and was super nervous she wouldn't get asked. She did, and now we are on the hunt for a modest dress! I want her to borrow or rent...........sounds easy right? When she is a size 2, flat chested and 5 feet tall, this is hard! They are all at least 6 inches too long or strapless. He is her height! So she can't wear heels haha.We are not giving up! She is going to go look again today at some other gals houses.
I am so proud of my beautiful girl. She has always been the kind of girl who sees people for all they are, not just their looks. She is going with the nicest kid. She says she got the best guy taking her to the dance. She has had a lot of fun dating in high school. She has done a lot more than I ever did. She has made some solid friendships through all the dances and group dates she has been on. She is very fortunate to have all this experience. I am grateful she hasn't been seriously involved with anyone. Takes the stress off me. We sure do love our girl. She is a choice spirit for sure!
Last night when she came home from the football game, she talked of all the players that she gave an encouraging hug to after they lost the game. DO these girls know the difference they can make in a young mans life for good? I hope so!
She came home to a letter waiting for her from her friend on a mission. To hear her read me his letter, hear his testimony and the expression of his gratitude for her constant support and uplifting words made my heart swell! He told her "you are so solid Kels, Solid in the Gospel. Reading your testimony in all your letters has made mine grow in so many ways."
Sometimes the things that really matter are the simplist! She sure has had her share of loneliness and rejection as well as heartache and disapointment.
Life doesn't always make sense when we are experiencing disapointments and heartache. We can find ourselves asking "why me?" The Lord has a plan for us! He loves us and is so aware of our situations. I see him bless my girl everyday with what she needs. He knows her. He loves her. He will always bless her as long as she is faithful. Thank you Dear Lord for helping her feel special and loved as she makes others feel special and loved. We are all really here to lift each other up! Encourage each other! Love each other.
Who's on the Lords side? Those who love another as he has loved them.
Make it a great day!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Razzberry Peach Jam Time :D
Home grown peaches from my peach tree!!
Blanched idea EVER!
Run those peaches through the blender, add the sugar and Razzberries in a big pot! Boil for 10 minutes!
DON'T forget to KISS THE COOK.....she is a PEACH!
Look how pretty it is after it cooks down and you add Razzberry Jello! woot woot!
Use a funnel to not make too big of a mess........see those drips? I am not a perfectionist :D
Put those jars on the steam bath for 30 minutes!
Listen for the pop!pop!pop! as they seal! and you have Beautiful jam.....Made with LOVE <3
10 Cups of Peaches, peeled, mashed or run through blender for a few seconds
10 Cups of Sugar
6 Cups Razzberries
Boil 10 minutes. Remove from heat.
Add 2 Packages...6 oz.....slowly so it doesn't clump. Stip until dissolved. Pour in to sterilized jars and steam bath for 30 minutes.
Blanched idea EVER!
Run those peaches through the blender, add the sugar and Razzberries in a big pot! Boil for 10 minutes!
DON'T forget to KISS THE COOK.....she is a PEACH!
Look how pretty it is after it cooks down and you add Razzberry Jello! woot woot!
Use a funnel to not make too big of a mess........see those drips? I am not a perfectionist :D
Put those jars on the steam bath for 30 minutes!
Listen for the pop!pop!pop! as they seal! and you have Beautiful jam.....Made with LOVE <3
10 Cups of Peaches, peeled, mashed or run through blender for a few seconds
10 Cups of Sugar
6 Cups Razzberries
Boil 10 minutes. Remove from heat.
Add 2 Packages...6 oz.....slowly so it doesn't clump. Stip until dissolved. Pour in to sterilized jars and steam bath for 30 minutes.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
My troubles......
Sadly, I have troubles. I need a "procedure" well I really need "surgery" but being a bick bok-bok chicken, I am having a "procedure". I swear I would go tomorrow if they would let me!!! I have been putting it off way too long and am now paying the price!
My husband will be out of town the day of my "procedure" I am asking my friend for a lift too and from the "procedure" and to sit with me when I try to wake up from the..........drugs?I have to be completely put under. Anyway, I kinda want someone to bring me dinner that night. My mom has her first day of school that day and I just can't ask her cuz she will be super stressed. I bet if I told my VT's they would bring it. Only problem is, I kinda don't want anyone to know haha. That's why I am putting it on my blog. hahahhahahaha
Noone reads this boring old thing anyway. If you really want to know me, read my face book page. This will NOT be posted on my facebook page. I try to keep that, LIGHT, FUNNY, SARCASTIC, and maybe even a little naughty.
I am worried I might die. If I die what will happen to my kids. They need a mother. They need me. I will be fine. I have lots of things left to do on this earth. Then again, who knows when you will die. LaRue died before seeing a single grandchild. Before meeting me. Who knows what will happen. I just wish I didn't have troubles. I have felt like garbage for 8 months now. I just have to do something, I can't keep feeling like this.
Okay, enough crying about needing a "procedure" I am going to go make a treat for my friend who brought me "stuff" this morning so I could go to the grocery store for my family.
Sometimes, being a girl, Really SUCKS!
Have a Great Day!
My husband will be out of town the day of my "procedure" I am asking my friend for a lift too and from the "procedure" and to sit with me when I try to wake up from the..........drugs?I have to be completely put under. Anyway, I kinda want someone to bring me dinner that night. My mom has her first day of school that day and I just can't ask her cuz she will be super stressed. I bet if I told my VT's they would bring it. Only problem is, I kinda don't want anyone to know haha. That's why I am putting it on my blog. hahahhahahaha
Noone reads this boring old thing anyway. If you really want to know me, read my face book page. This will NOT be posted on my facebook page. I try to keep that, LIGHT, FUNNY, SARCASTIC, and maybe even a little naughty.
I am worried I might die. If I die what will happen to my kids. They need a mother. They need me. I will be fine. I have lots of things left to do on this earth. Then again, who knows when you will die. LaRue died before seeing a single grandchild. Before meeting me. Who knows what will happen. I just wish I didn't have troubles. I have felt like garbage for 8 months now. I just have to do something, I can't keep feeling like this.
Okay, enough crying about needing a "procedure" I am going to go make a treat for my friend who brought me "stuff" this morning so I could go to the grocery store for my family.
Sometimes, being a girl, Really SUCKS!
Have a Great Day!
Friday, August 17, 2012
Natures Deadliest!!!
Second day of school and I get a phone call from the school nurse right after lunch recess.........Calvin has passed out in the nurses office after he was sent there with BLISTERS from the monkey bars. She cleaned them up and he was watching her. He went down like a tree! This is the same child that passed out watching Ralphies inside story last spring. UGH!
So we drove to Maverik for a pepsi. Pepsi is a cure all of course. As we are driving home, he says to me " mom, the monkey bars should be on natures deadliest"
hahahahahahhahahahha this is my kid who watches fear factor and natures deadliest all the time! Poor kid just can't stand the sight of his own blood or Ralphies animated blood apparently!
Oh well, more snuggle time with my baby :D
So we drove to Maverik for a pepsi. Pepsi is a cure all of course. As we are driving home, he says to me " mom, the monkey bars should be on natures deadliest"
hahahahahahhahahahha this is my kid who watches fear factor and natures deadliest all the time! Poor kid just can't stand the sight of his own blood or Ralphies animated blood apparently!
Oh well, more snuggle time with my baby :D
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Where has the time gone?
There she is, my senior in High School. I can still remember dropping her off for her first day of Kindergarten. I was so worried all morning. Finally, after lunch, I loaded my 3 babies in the car. (Cameron had just turned 2. I was tending Logan who was almost 2 and Kenady was 3 months old.) We drove up to the school and as I drove past the lunch time recess, there she was, running, laughing, a smile from ear to ear. I got all choked up and thought to myself, "she doesn't need me anymore." She is now almost 18 years old and she still needs me. I sent her out the door this morning for her first day as a senior in high school. She is at a new school this year. Trying to get a bunch of college classes out of the way. She has turned into a beautiful, driven, spiritually minded girl. I love her and am so blessed to have a daughter and a best friend like her. Good luck today Kels! MLY
These 2 knot heads are not even 2 years apart. They have piggy backed each other in school thier whole lives. They are both equally obnoxious. As I drove them to school this morning, they were being extra obnoxious. I can barely get a word in edge wise with all thier little wise cracks. But they make me smile and laugh. We gave Kenady a hard time for wearing Irish green socks today?? Not sure what that means. haha She is darling and he is handsome. Thank HEAVENS neither of them have discovered the opposite sex. He still says girls are bossy and nothing but trouble! She says boys are gross an annoying! Phew! I am glad to have a break from the Roller Coaster ride of middle school and high school crushes. Kelsey has worn me out! They both play in the band....drums and trumpet for him. Clarinet for her! Have a great day you two crazies! MLY!
Well, what can you say about this cute, darling, sweet, fabulous, adorable, smoochie rooster? He is my baby! 3rd grade this year baby. *sniff sniff* Mommy will miss him all day. This kid is afraid of the lunch monitor and takes a home lunch everyday because of it. This has caused that he WILL not eat a sandwich at any other time of his life. He eats them for lunch all school year and won't touch them other than that. He is so cute. He loves frogs! I said, "Let's put some gel in your hair" and he said "NO!" That's okay, he has plenty of time to look good for the ladies :D. Have a great day Calvin! MLY <3
Friday, July 27, 2012
He's THE MAN!!
Last night my husband cleaned out the drain in my beloved bathtub...................It drained in less than 2 minutes this morning. If that isn't true love, I DO NOT know what is! He may suck at my love language (words of affirmation) but he is Amazing at his own love language~Service. In 19 years of marriage, he has NEVER had a honey~do list, cuz my wish, is his immediate command. If I say this i...s broke or wrong or missing or out of whatever it is out of~ he does it right then! He never says "I will get to that later!" Example- My kindle has a night lite and it stopped working so I had a flashlight reading it in bed. He looks at me and says, .....why are you using a flashlight and I said, my light broke and he takes it gently from me, gets out of bed, goes downstairs, replaces the battery, LOL and brings it back to me and rolls over and goes to sleep. My knight in shining armor! Makes me think, when you wish upon a star~ haha What a attractive trait!! How did I get so lucky?
Thursday, July 26, 2012
An ALMOST empty house...............
My girls are at girls camp and my older boy is at High Adventure...........*sigh* oh the peace and quiet. Calvin is here with me :D so I am getting lots of loves and words of affirmation. Life is Good. What will I do someday when it is just me and occasionally that mysterious man I married who only lives with me 2 weeks a month. hhhmmmm I wonder?
Well for now I will just have to enjoy all the sweet moments and even the NOT SO SWEET moments me and the kiddos have to enjoy! hee hee hee
Well for now I will just have to enjoy all the sweet moments and even the NOT SO SWEET moments me and the kiddos have to enjoy! hee hee hee
I have a friend, her name is Kim. I think we were pals before we were born. We are a lot alike. I have learned a great lesson from her this year. You see I like to give the things I make to people that I love and care about. Treats mostly. I like to decorate them and deliver them and maybe stay and visit a while. I love to do this because I have hobbies. I like to make the world beautiful and feed people with those hobbies. Last Christmas I met Kim at a basketball game in Delta Utah! She was eating with her daughter and I was eating with my daughter. Our girls are friends and we were sharing Enchiladas that they were saleing at the concession stand! HA :D
Somehow we got to talking and bing!bang!boom! All these months later, I just love her. I read her blog and it makes me smile so big and it makes me feel so happy and grateful. One of her posts even helped me to forgive a man for hurting my child a year ago. I love her!
But back to what I have learned from her.........Kim takes pictures of everyone and everything and gets those pictures printed and then gives them to the people in the pictures! She did this for me and Kels at Prom and I took her some chocolate covered strawberries. We had a great talk that day. Then I made her some bread and jam. She called me and said "THANKS". Then, I made her one of my soft cuddly blankets to keep her warm and comforted. I wanted to make her one because I had told her I was making Kelsey's friend Ty's mom one even though I didn't know her. I wanted his mom to have one to keep her warm and comforted as her baby was leaving on his mission for 2 years. I asked Kim if she thought his mom would think I was a freak doing that for someone I didn't know. Of course Kim gets why I like to take treats and homemade gifts to people, cuz she likes to also! We do it for others but we also do it for ourselves. WE need to be able to share what we love. I use to feel like I needed to explain to people why I did what I did. But Kim has taught me that I need to fill my own needs. Plus when I take Kim stuff she totally fuels my love language........words of affirmation! She is awesome at it.
Today we sat in her kitchen and talked of Life and Motherhood. It felt so good to share my concerns and hopes and values with another mother who also has a houseful of teenagers!
WE are truly blessed! We truly are!
Make it a great day!
Somehow we got to talking and bing!bang!boom! All these months later, I just love her. I read her blog and it makes me smile so big and it makes me feel so happy and grateful. One of her posts even helped me to forgive a man for hurting my child a year ago. I love her!
But back to what I have learned from her.........Kim takes pictures of everyone and everything and gets those pictures printed and then gives them to the people in the pictures! She did this for me and Kels at Prom and I took her some chocolate covered strawberries. We had a great talk that day. Then I made her some bread and jam. She called me and said "THANKS". Then, I made her one of my soft cuddly blankets to keep her warm and comforted. I wanted to make her one because I had told her I was making Kelsey's friend Ty's mom one even though I didn't know her. I wanted his mom to have one to keep her warm and comforted as her baby was leaving on his mission for 2 years. I asked Kim if she thought his mom would think I was a freak doing that for someone I didn't know. Of course Kim gets why I like to take treats and homemade gifts to people, cuz she likes to also! We do it for others but we also do it for ourselves. WE need to be able to share what we love. I use to feel like I needed to explain to people why I did what I did. But Kim has taught me that I need to fill my own needs. Plus when I take Kim stuff she totally fuels my love language........words of affirmation! She is awesome at it.
Today we sat in her kitchen and talked of Life and Motherhood. It felt so good to share my concerns and hopes and values with another mother who also has a houseful of teenagers!
WE are truly blessed! We truly are!
Make it a great day!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Just what I needed
♥ ~ "We are all in this together. We need each other, Oh, how we need each other. Those of us that are old need you who are young. And, Hopefully, you who are young need some of us who are old. It is a sociological fact that women need women. WE need deep and satisfying and loyal friendships with each other. These friendships are a necessary source of sustenance. We need to renew our faith every day. We need to lock arms and help build the kingdom so that it will roll forth and fill the whole earth." ~ ♥
~Marjorie Pay Hinckley~
"That I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me."~Romans 1:12
Today I went to St. George with a sweet~tender~kind~gentle~ woman. She had surgery last week and needed to go for a follow up visit today. I went with her so she wouldn't be alone. I came home with my cup refilled. How wonderful to sit and talk with a sister who I can share my values and thoughts on personal and spiritual matters with. I feel so blessed in my life to have people who influence me for good and let me share my hearts desires with. I love this Gospel. It is what helps me choose and act and live and love the way I do so I can lift myself and others. She said thanks for coming, but I feel thankful for an afternoon of rubbing shoulders with a true woman of Virtue.
SO VERY Blessed!
~Marjorie Pay Hinckley~
"That I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me."~Romans 1:12
Today I went to St. George with a sweet~tender~kind~gentle~ woman. She had surgery last week and needed to go for a follow up visit today. I went with her so she wouldn't be alone. I came home with my cup refilled. How wonderful to sit and talk with a sister who I can share my values and thoughts on personal and spiritual matters with. I feel so blessed in my life to have people who influence me for good and let me share my hearts desires with. I love this Gospel. It is what helps me choose and act and live and love the way I do so I can lift myself and others. She said thanks for coming, but I feel thankful for an afternoon of rubbing shoulders with a true woman of Virtue.
SO VERY Blessed!
Friday, July 13, 2012
It's Just me and Chicken Nuggets!
Calvin....My almost 9 year old. He will be 9 in 3 weeks.
"Mom" he says, as he kisses my face and runs his hands through my hair.....
"There are 2 things that I love. You, and Chicken nuggets."
"oh really?" I say....."lucky me"
" I love Dad too, when he is not being grouchy."
hee hee hee!
I rank with Chicken Nuggets or Chicken strips!
This child of mine!! I love him. He is the baby. He got the best of me. He got the me that had already learned what not to do. He got the part of me that cherished every minute of his little baby stages and toddler years and childhood. He is the one I can't bear to have grow up. He is the sweet little boy who loves his mommy and everything about her. His love language is physical touch and he gives me constant love and hugs and kisses. He will lay on my bed and brush my hair and then run his hands through it for a long time.........causing me to become delirious. He is happy go lucky! He wakes up happy. He goes to bed happy. He is content and so even tempered. He never really threw fits or caused me grief. He is just the whipped cream and cherry on top of our families sundae. He is my baby. He makes me feel so good. So loved. So appreciated. I love all my kids. They are all so different and special. He is the end of what I have made a career out of. Being a changes when they get older. Sadly :( ............*whimper*
I love all the stages, but I am holding onto each one of his the longest.
He just came up to me while I was writing this and said "When I look at you, I think woot woo".....and he whistled......and kissed me and hugged me and ran off to play again. *sigh*
I am loved like chicken nuggets! It doesn't get any better than that!
"Mom" he says, as he kisses my face and runs his hands through my hair.....
"There are 2 things that I love. You, and Chicken nuggets."
"oh really?" I say....."lucky me"
" I love Dad too, when he is not being grouchy."
hee hee hee!
I rank with Chicken Nuggets or Chicken strips!
This child of mine!! I love him. He is the baby. He got the best of me. He got the me that had already learned what not to do. He got the part of me that cherished every minute of his little baby stages and toddler years and childhood. He is the one I can't bear to have grow up. He is the sweet little boy who loves his mommy and everything about her. His love language is physical touch and he gives me constant love and hugs and kisses. He will lay on my bed and brush my hair and then run his hands through it for a long time.........causing me to become delirious. He is happy go lucky! He wakes up happy. He goes to bed happy. He is content and so even tempered. He never really threw fits or caused me grief. He is just the whipped cream and cherry on top of our families sundae. He is my baby. He makes me feel so good. So loved. So appreciated. I love all my kids. They are all so different and special. He is the end of what I have made a career out of. Being a changes when they get older. Sadly :( ............*whimper*
I love all the stages, but I am holding onto each one of his the longest.
He just came up to me while I was writing this and said "When I look at you, I think woot woo".....and he whistled......and kissed me and hugged me and ran off to play again. *sigh*
I am loved like chicken nuggets! It doesn't get any better than that!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
My sweet Mother..........
This is My Mom Colleen~ She is amazing.
A few weeks ago we had this whole conversation about how she hates that her hair is white. I told her, "You look so great mom! You have cute white hair! Embrace it!"
She is an amazing woman. First of all she raised 4 kids. She put up with my dad..........that's a long story haha She is a convert to the church and has led an amazingly worthy life. She has served in a lot of callings, but she will tell you her favorite is teaching primary. Of course she is a head start teacher for a living and is amazing at it. She is kind and gentle and quiet but oh so very quirky. She has a song for everything!! It cracks me up, she bursts out in song all the time!!
She loves me and my kids. I love her. I am lucky to live in the same town as her. She never misses anything my kids do! She plays the clarinet and piano and sings. She came when all my kids were born. Even in Omaha when I had Cameron, she came! She helped me when I had Kelsey and I didn't know what I was doing haha. We share movies and books and recipes. She is my temple buddy. We go to the temple together. I want to go to the Manti temple after my little sister leaves and have my kids do baptisms and us do a session for her family. Her and my daddy were married there in 1969.
One more thing. She can crochet so amazingly perfect and beautiful! She has a lot of talents. She is
She is awesome. She is a great example to me. She is my MOTHER.
Love you mom!
A few weeks ago we had this whole conversation about how she hates that her hair is white. I told her, "You look so great mom! You have cute white hair! Embrace it!"
She is an amazing woman. First of all she raised 4 kids. She put up with my dad..........that's a long story haha She is a convert to the church and has led an amazingly worthy life. She has served in a lot of callings, but she will tell you her favorite is teaching primary. Of course she is a head start teacher for a living and is amazing at it. She is kind and gentle and quiet but oh so very quirky. She has a song for everything!! It cracks me up, she bursts out in song all the time!!
She loves me and my kids. I love her. I am lucky to live in the same town as her. She never misses anything my kids do! She plays the clarinet and piano and sings. She came when all my kids were born. Even in Omaha when I had Cameron, she came! She helped me when I had Kelsey and I didn't know what I was doing haha. We share movies and books and recipes. She is my temple buddy. We go to the temple together. I want to go to the Manti temple after my little sister leaves and have my kids do baptisms and us do a session for her family. Her and my daddy were married there in 1969.
One more thing. She can crochet so amazingly perfect and beautiful! She has a lot of talents. She is
She is awesome. She is a great example to me. She is my MOTHER.
Love you mom!
Monday, July 2, 2012
Count your many blessings!
Thank You for letting me teach the 15-16 year old Sunday School class. Last year we studied the New Testament. LOVED IT!
This year is the Book of Mormon. SO Amazing
Last year I had Kelsey and all her friends. This year I have the year younger kids! Love them!
yesterday as I looked out at their sweet faces, I knew they were listening. I know they are such good kids saved for this time. Wow! How did I get so lucky to be the YW president for 3 years and then go straight to teaching them the Scriptures? I am so thankful for these amazing opportunities! I love how these kids let me love them. I have so much love to give. My heart is bursting at the amazing feelings we can feel as we serve, love, teach and forgive each other. How fun it is to grow in the gospel with our YOUTH!
I am so Blessed! I am soLucky! I am so Thankful! I am so Loved!
This year is the Book of Mormon. SO Amazing
Last year I had Kelsey and all her friends. This year I have the year younger kids! Love them!
yesterday as I looked out at their sweet faces, I knew they were listening. I know they are such good kids saved for this time. Wow! How did I get so lucky to be the YW president for 3 years and then go straight to teaching them the Scriptures? I am so thankful for these amazing opportunities! I love how these kids let me love them. I have so much love to give. My heart is bursting at the amazing feelings we can feel as we serve, love, teach and forgive each other. How fun it is to grow in the gospel with our YOUTH!
I am so Blessed! I am soLucky! I am so Thankful! I am so Loved!
My Friend "C"
This is my friend C~
She came by my house last night and stayed for 3 hours. She is on her way California for a week. She moved to Rexburg Idaho a month ago and texted me a week ago saying she was going to be coming through Cedar and that she would love to see Kelsey and I. Of course I said yes! I love her! So does Kelsey. C~ has a special place in both of our hearts. About 3 years ago the ward we were in split. I was the YW president and it broke my heart to have to leave all those girls and leaders behind. When they announced they were going to take some of us and some from another ward and make 3 wards, Kelsey and I were the only ones from the old ward. We felt a little kicked out. C~ was from the other ward, her and 6 girls from her old ward came to the new ward. They called me as the YW president and I looked at the 7 girls on my rolls. SEVEN GIRLS!! YIKES!! I called my presidencey and took a deep breath. I was so nervous that first week we met. I didn't know if they would like me. Everyone said that C~ was having a hard time with the split. I was having a hard time with the split, so I knew how she felt. I was going to make the most of it! I was going to love all those girls and we were going to be amazing with our numbers of 7! Back to C~ I met her on the first day our ward met as a ward. I walked into sacrament meeting and sat down. I looked around curiously and a happy smile lit up from a cute girl behind me. She was darling. I smiled back and wondered if she was one of my YW. She was! The rest is History. C~ and I had 2 years together before she graduated and I was released, all within a month of each other.
I love her. She was my friend. She did everything I ever asked of her and she loved Kelsey. So many times we shared amazing spiritual experiences with each other. Firesides, Conferences, Camp, hikes, activities, Sunday lessons. She was an amazing example to me and to Kelsey. We have met once a month to go to lunch over the past year to always stay in touch. She showed up at our ward occasionally when the college wards were out and always hugged me and told me how much she loved me. A life long friend I have in C~.
She moved to Idaho in May, I was so sad for me and yet happy for her. I teased her the day before she left over some ice cream....."you are gonna go up there and find a great guy and get married! You just watch".............haha
Last night she told Kelsey and I of her new Friend. YEP!! She is in like and it is quickly turning to "here comes the bride" What a great girl she is! I hope he is as great as she says, but I know he must be, she has very high standards and expectations! LOVE HER!
We laughed so hard last night we cried teasing her about her giddyness! There truly is a time and season for all things! She said I can come to the wedding..............hahahhahaha
Wouldn't miss it for the world!
Thank You for blessing my life with C~ I love her, and I know she loves me <3
MAKE today a Great day!
She came by my house last night and stayed for 3 hours. She is on her way California for a week. She moved to Rexburg Idaho a month ago and texted me a week ago saying she was going to be coming through Cedar and that she would love to see Kelsey and I. Of course I said yes! I love her! So does Kelsey. C~ has a special place in both of our hearts. About 3 years ago the ward we were in split. I was the YW president and it broke my heart to have to leave all those girls and leaders behind. When they announced they were going to take some of us and some from another ward and make 3 wards, Kelsey and I were the only ones from the old ward. We felt a little kicked out. C~ was from the other ward, her and 6 girls from her old ward came to the new ward. They called me as the YW president and I looked at the 7 girls on my rolls. SEVEN GIRLS!! YIKES!! I called my presidencey and took a deep breath. I was so nervous that first week we met. I didn't know if they would like me. Everyone said that C~ was having a hard time with the split. I was having a hard time with the split, so I knew how she felt. I was going to make the most of it! I was going to love all those girls and we were going to be amazing with our numbers of 7! Back to C~ I met her on the first day our ward met as a ward. I walked into sacrament meeting and sat down. I looked around curiously and a happy smile lit up from a cute girl behind me. She was darling. I smiled back and wondered if she was one of my YW. She was! The rest is History. C~ and I had 2 years together before she graduated and I was released, all within a month of each other.
I love her. She was my friend. She did everything I ever asked of her and she loved Kelsey. So many times we shared amazing spiritual experiences with each other. Firesides, Conferences, Camp, hikes, activities, Sunday lessons. She was an amazing example to me and to Kelsey. We have met once a month to go to lunch over the past year to always stay in touch. She showed up at our ward occasionally when the college wards were out and always hugged me and told me how much she loved me. A life long friend I have in C~.
She moved to Idaho in May, I was so sad for me and yet happy for her. I teased her the day before she left over some ice cream....."you are gonna go up there and find a great guy and get married! You just watch".............haha
Last night she told Kelsey and I of her new Friend. YEP!! She is in like and it is quickly turning to "here comes the bride" What a great girl she is! I hope he is as great as she says, but I know he must be, she has very high standards and expectations! LOVE HER!
We laughed so hard last night we cried teasing her about her giddyness! There truly is a time and season for all things! She said I can come to the wedding..............hahahhahaha
Wouldn't miss it for the world!
Thank You for blessing my life with C~ I love her, and I know she loves me <3
MAKE today a Great day!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
I have reorganized my kitchen! YAY :D
I have painted Kenady's room and the home theater! YAY!
All with the help of my darling children! Double YAY!
I have organized all my bookshelves! YAY!
Now I am going to start on my cook book! Then next week I will get those bedspreads going! :D
Feeling pretty good about life!
I have painted Kenady's room and the home theater! YAY!
All with the help of my darling children! Double YAY!
I have organized all my bookshelves! YAY!
Now I am going to start on my cook book! Then next week I will get those bedspreads going! :D
Feeling pretty good about life!
Monday, June 25, 2012
Happy Anniversary Baby
For your veiwing pleasure~
19 years ago today I married this cute boy! What a ride we have had! We married and he stayed in school. Sadly, I quit to work. Looking back I wish I hadn't, but oh well. We married June of 1993. Had Kelsey January 4th 1995. Moved to Omaha Nebraska August of 1995 to attend Pharmacy school. We had Cameron on August 25th 1998. Jeff Graduated May of 1999....oh happy day! Moved to Cedar in June of 1999. Had Kenady May 31st of 2000. Moved into our first home in July of 2000. We had Calvin August 11th 2003. Jeff has worked for Wal-Mart, Albertsons-which became Fresh Market-which became Associated foods. His full time gig is here in Cedar at the Lins. We moved into our 2nd home September of 2006. We now have a 17 year old, a 13 year old, 12 year old and 8 year old. Where has the time gone? We have luckily had more good times than hard times. Jeff tragically lost his brother Mike a few years ago. I never knew his mother, she passed away the fall after he graduated from high school. He takes good care of the kids and I. He is a hard worker, and I love him. What a beautiful Memory I have of our wedding day. Yesterday my daughter Kelsey taught the YW lesson on temple marriage. I snuck in to hear it and she had brought this picture to put on the board for all to see :D haha
Anyways, I felt inspired to tell these girls, we didn't have a lot of money. I rented my dress. My pictures were kinda lame. My wedding cake was burnt.....luckily noone but me knew that since it was frosted. But I will never forget the sealing and the feeling in the temple that day. It really doesn't matter about all the fluff! Kelsey quoted a general authority that said......what matters is that you get married to the right person, in the right place, with the right authority.....I totally agree. A wedding is an event, a marriage takes a lifetime of love, commitment, sacrifice, forgiveness, and a million other little things!
Thanks Jeff for making all my wishes come true!! I sure do love you :D
19 years ago today I married this cute boy! What a ride we have had! We married and he stayed in school. Sadly, I quit to work. Looking back I wish I hadn't, but oh well. We married June of 1993. Had Kelsey January 4th 1995. Moved to Omaha Nebraska August of 1995 to attend Pharmacy school. We had Cameron on August 25th 1998. Jeff Graduated May of 1999....oh happy day! Moved to Cedar in June of 1999. Had Kenady May 31st of 2000. Moved into our first home in July of 2000. We had Calvin August 11th 2003. Jeff has worked for Wal-Mart, Albertsons-which became Fresh Market-which became Associated foods. His full time gig is here in Cedar at the Lins. We moved into our 2nd home September of 2006. We now have a 17 year old, a 13 year old, 12 year old and 8 year old. Where has the time gone? We have luckily had more good times than hard times. Jeff tragically lost his brother Mike a few years ago. I never knew his mother, she passed away the fall after he graduated from high school. He takes good care of the kids and I. He is a hard worker, and I love him. What a beautiful Memory I have of our wedding day. Yesterday my daughter Kelsey taught the YW lesson on temple marriage. I snuck in to hear it and she had brought this picture to put on the board for all to see :D haha
Anyways, I felt inspired to tell these girls, we didn't have a lot of money. I rented my dress. My pictures were kinda lame. My wedding cake was burnt.....luckily noone but me knew that since it was frosted. But I will never forget the sealing and the feeling in the temple that day. It really doesn't matter about all the fluff! Kelsey quoted a general authority that said......what matters is that you get married to the right person, in the right place, with the right authority.....I totally agree. A wedding is an event, a marriage takes a lifetime of love, commitment, sacrifice, forgiveness, and a million other little things!
Thanks Jeff for making all my wishes come true!! I sure do love you :D
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Fathers Day
My dad took good care of me until I married my husband. My husband has taken good care of me ever since. My Heavenly Father has always taken good care of me. My husband is an amazing father! Happy fathers day :)
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Why Me Lord?
Seriously!!! I feel like this everyday...........There is this whole other person on the back side of me!
I think I am great! I just pretend like I am amazingly sexy......It's Denial really! hahahahahhaha
Thank you J.K. Rowling!! I know lots of girls with knock out bodies in their little bikini's all over face book, they are some of the meanest girls I know! I am NOT cruel, chubby and fat yes, cruel~NO!
I really hate being in a swimming suit! This is pretty much how it would look if they had asked me to star in the little mermaid...........but look how fat and HAPPY I am :D
I started thinking about this yesterday when I took my cute little Kelsey to find a swimming suit! The girl is 5 foot 2 and weighs 112 lbs. She runs and runs and has in the last 2 weeks started doing cross fit 4 days a week. Sadly, she tries on the swimming suits and like every other woman with a bootie......she gets depressed. She says to me "mom, life is hard enough without having to feel like crap about your body. I have a flat chest! I have big thighs! I have dimples on my butt! Why did Heavenly Father do this to us?"
I said, in all my wisdom........"I have no idea!" hahahahaha so wise huh? I went on to say "I have asked myself the same question for my whole life. I think you are lovely, and you need to not focus on what your body isn't and focus on what your body IS. It is healthy!"
Honestly, That is why I say.....I am not perfect! But parts of me are pretty amazing! Calvin told me years ago......"Mom you exercise too much! Look how skinny I am and I never exercise." LOL love that kid.
Make it a great day!
I think I am great! I just pretend like I am amazingly sexy......It's Denial really! hahahahahhaha
Thank you J.K. Rowling!! I know lots of girls with knock out bodies in their little bikini's all over face book, they are some of the meanest girls I know! I am NOT cruel, chubby and fat yes, cruel~NO!
I really hate being in a swimming suit! This is pretty much how it would look if they had asked me to star in the little mermaid...........but look how fat and HAPPY I am :D
I started thinking about this yesterday when I took my cute little Kelsey to find a swimming suit! The girl is 5 foot 2 and weighs 112 lbs. She runs and runs and has in the last 2 weeks started doing cross fit 4 days a week. Sadly, she tries on the swimming suits and like every other woman with a bootie......she gets depressed. She says to me "mom, life is hard enough without having to feel like crap about your body. I have a flat chest! I have big thighs! I have dimples on my butt! Why did Heavenly Father do this to us?"
I said, in all my wisdom........"I have no idea!" hahahahaha so wise huh? I went on to say "I have asked myself the same question for my whole life. I think you are lovely, and you need to not focus on what your body isn't and focus on what your body IS. It is healthy!"
Honestly, That is why I say.....I am not perfect! But parts of me are pretty amazing! Calvin told me years ago......"Mom you exercise too much! Look how skinny I am and I never exercise." LOL love that kid.
Make it a great day!
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