Saturday, June 16, 2012

Why Me Lord?

 Seriously!!! I feel like this everyday...........There is this whole other person on the back side of me!

 I think I am great! I just pretend like I am amazingly sexy......It's Denial really! hahahahahhaha

 Thank you J.K. Rowling!! I know lots of girls with knock out bodies in their little bikini's all over face book, they are some of the meanest girls I know! I am NOT cruel, chubby and fat yes, cruel~NO!

I really hate being in a swimming suit! This is pretty much how it would look if they had asked me to star in the little mermaid...........but look how fat and HAPPY I am :D

I started thinking about this yesterday when I took my cute little Kelsey to find a swimming suit! The girl is 5 foot 2 and weighs 112 lbs. She runs and runs and has in the last 2 weeks started doing cross fit 4 days a week. Sadly, she tries on the swimming suits and like every other woman with a bootie......she gets depressed. She says to me "mom, life is hard enough without having to feel like crap about your body. I have a flat chest! I have big thighs! I have dimples on my butt! Why did Heavenly Father do this to us?"
I said, in all my wisdom........"I have no idea!" hahahahaha so wise huh? I went on to say "I have asked myself the same question for my whole life. I think you are lovely, and you need to not focus on what your body isn't and focus on what your body IS. It is healthy!"

Honestly, That is why I say.....I am not perfect! But parts of me are pretty amazing! Calvin told me years ago......"Mom you exercise too much! Look how skinny I am and I never exercise." LOL love that kid.
Make it a great day!


  1. Chin Up! Some men love big bum, others like big boobs. I'm a bum person myself; and I have NO BOOBS! Enjoy what Heavenly Father gave you--you are awesome!

  2. Sherrie, your blog cracks me up! I love reading what you have to write. I knew your blog would be a great read. :) We all have our problem areas. I can't tell you how much I hate that I look pregnant, 9 months after having a baby!!! It is discouraging what having babies does to our bodies. So you just tell Kelsey to ENJOY what she has now, because she looks awesome and it's all downhill from here! Hahaha.
