Cameron and Kenady Swimming 200 laps for the SWIM a Thon
When they were done! Still Smiling :D
My 2 middle kids, are SWIMMERS!! They are on a swim team that had a swim a thon to raise money! 200 laps! I was tired just watching! haha :D It took them an hour and a half to swim 200 laps. When they were done, I said "was it hard" they both said "No way! Just boring!" haha
Way to go Cameron and Kenady! They practice Monday thru Friday 8-10. Next week they are both swimming in the UTAH SUMMER GAMES! Woot! Woot!
Sure do love those 2 cuties!
They are only 21 months apart in age, both in braces, both in middle school and both are super big helpers!
Cameron plays the DRUMS, Piano, and trumpet! Kenady plays the piano and the clarinet! I play the RADIO and CD's :D
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