Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Babe Of Bethlehem

~Day 21 of my Favorite Christmas Thoughts~

Silent night, Holy night
Son of God, love's pure light
Radiant beams from thy holy face
With the dawn of redeeming grace,
Jesus, Lord at thy birth,
Jesus, Lord at thy birth!

The Babe of Bethlehem...
"Part of the purpose for telling the story of Christmas is to remind us that Christmas doesn't come from a store. Indeed, however delightful we feel about it, even as children, each year it 'means a little bit more.' And no matter how many times we read the biblical account of that evening in Bethlehem, we always come away with a thought—or two—we haven’t had before....
"I, like you, need to remember the very plain scene, even the poverty, of a night devoid of tinsel or wrapping or goods of this world. Only when we see that sacred, unadorned child of our devotion—the Babe of Bethlehem—will we know why... the giving of gifts is so appropriate" ~Jeffrey R. Holland,

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Spirit of Christ

~Day 22 Of My Favorite Christmas Thoughts~
 Peace on the earth
 Good will to men
 From heaven's all gracious King
 The world in solemn stillness lay
 To hear the angels sing

The Savior Gave Freely To All.
And His gifts were of value
beyond measure.
Throughout His ministry, He blessed
the sick, restored sight to the blind,
made the deaf to hear, and the lame
to walk. He gave cleanliness to the
unclean. He restored breath to the
lifeless. He gave hope to the
despairing and He sowed light in the
darkness. He gave us His love,
His service, and His life. What is
the spirit we feel at Christmastime?
It is His spirit-the spirit of Christ.
- Thomas S. Monson

Come and See....and KNOW!

~Day 23 Of My Favorite Christmas Thoughts~

What child is this, who, laid to rest,
On Mary's lap lay sleeping?
Whom angels greet with anthems sweet,
While shepherds watch are keeping?
This, this is Christ the King,
Whom shepherds guard and angels sing:
Haste, haste to bring Him love,
The Babe, the son of Mary....

Come and See
"The shepherds were invited to come and see. They saw. They trembled. They testified. They rejoiced. They saw Him wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger, the Prince of Peace......."At this Christmas season I extend to you the gift of determination to come and see......"A young man in deep trouble and despair said to me recently, 'It's all right for others to have a Merry Christmas, but not me. It's no use. It's too late.'".......We can stay away and complain. We can stay away and nurse our sorrows. We can stay away and pity ourselves. We can stay away and find fault. We can stay away and become bitter. Or we can come and see! We can come and see and know!"
~Marvin J. Ashton

Sunday, December 1, 2013

We all Need Christmas!

Day 24 of my favorite *Christmas Thoughts*

C is for the Christ child, born on Christmas day
H for herald Angels in the night
R means our Redeemer ...
I is Israel
S is for the star that shone so bright
T is for Three wise men, they who traveled far
M is for the manger where he laid
A is All he stands for
S means shepherds came
And that's why there's a Christmas Day........

"So who needs Christmas? We do! All of us! Because Christmas can bring us closer to the Savior, and he is the only source of lasting joy....
"We need Christmas because it helps us to be better people, not only in December but in January, June, and November.
"Because we need Christmas we had better understand what it is and what it isn't. Gifts, holly, mistletoe, and red-nosed reindeer are fun as traditions, but they are not what Christmas is really all about. Christmas pertains to that glorious moment when the Son of our Father joined his divinity to our imperfect humanity"
~Hugh W. Pinnock

December 1st

25 days of my favorite Christmas thoughts ----

Said the king to the people everywhere,
Listen to what I say
Pray for peace, people everywhere!
Listen to what I say
The Child, the Child, sleeping in the night
He will bring us goodness and light
He will bring us goodness and light

The Christmas Spirit-
"Born in a stable, cradled in a manger, He came forth from heaven to live on earth as mortal man and to establish the kingdom of God. During His earthly ministry, He taught men the higher law. His glorious gospel reshaped the thinking of the world. He blessed the sick. He caused the lame to walk, the blind to see, the deaf to hear. He even raised the dead to life. To us He has said, 'Come, follow me.'

"As we seek Christ, as we find Him, as we follow Him, we shall have the Christmas spirit, not for one fleeting day each year, but as a companion always. We shall learn to forget ourselves. We shall turn our thoughts to the greater benefit of others"  ~Thomas S. Monson
He truly did bring the whole world Goodness and Light!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

A most needed message!

The Hope of God’s Light

Second Counselor in the First Presidency

As we seek to increase our love for God and strive to love our neighbor, the light of the Lord.                           

Entrance to Enlightenment

I have a cherished painting in my office that is titled Entrance to Enlightenment. It was created by a friend of mine, the Danish artist Johan Benthin, who was the first stake president in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The painting shows a dark room with an open door from which light is shining. It is interesting to me that the light coming through the door does not illuminate the entire room—only the space immediately in front of the door.
To me, the darkness and light in this painting are a metaphor for life. It is part of our condition as mortal beings to sometimes feel as though we are surrounded by darkness. We might have lost a loved one; a child might have strayed; we might have received a troubling medical diagnosis; we might have employment challenges and be burdened by doubts or fears; or we might feel alone or unloved.
But even though we may feel lost in the midst of our current circumstances, God promises the hope of His light—He promises to illuminate the way before us and show us the way out of darkness.

A Room Filled with Darkness

I’d like to tell you about a woman who grew up in a room filled with darkness—I’ll call her Jane.
From the time Jane was three years old, she was repeatedly beaten, belittled, and abused. She was threatened and mocked. She awoke each morning not knowing if she would survive until the next day. The people who should have protected her were those who tortured her or allowed the abuse to continue.
In order to protect herself, Jane learned to stop feeling. She had no hope of rescue, so she hardened herself to the horror of her reality. There was no light in her world, so she became resigned to the darkness. With a numbness that can come only from constant and unrelenting contact with evil, she accepted the fact that any moment might be her last.
Then, at age 18, Jane discovered The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The joy and hope of the restored gospel penetrated her heart, and she accepted the invitation to be baptized. For the first time, light entered her life, and she saw a bright path before her. She left the darkness of her world and decided to attend school a great distance away from her abuser. At last she felt liberated from an environment of darkness and evil—free to enjoy the Savior’s sweet peace and miraculous healing.
However, years later, after her abuser had died, Jane was again troubled by the horrible events of her youth. Profound sadness and anger threatened to destroy the wonderful light she had found in the gospel. She realized that if she allowed that darkness to consume her, her tormentor would have a final victory.
She sought counseling and medical help and began to realize that, for her, the best path for healing was to understand and accept that darkness exists—but not to dwell there. For, as she now knew, light also exists—and that is where she chose to dwell.
Given her dark past, Jane could easily have become vindictive, venomous, or violent. But she didn’t. She resisted the temptation to spread the darkness, refusing to lash out in anger, hurt, or cynicism. Instead, she held fast to the hope that with God’s help she could be healed. She chose to radiate light and devote her life to helping others. This decision enabled her to leave the past behind and to step into a glorious, bright future.
She became a schoolteacher, and today, decades later, her love has influenced the lives of hundreds of children, helping them to know that they have worth, that they are important. She has become a tireless defender of the weak, the victimized, and the discouraged. She builds, strengthens, and inspires everyone around her.
Jane learned that healing comes when we move away from the darkness and walk toward the hope of a brighter light. It was in the practical application of faith, hope, and charity that she not only transformed her own life but forever blessed the lives of many, many others.

Light Cleaveth unto Light

There may be some among you who feel darkness encroaching upon you. You may feel burdened by worry, fear, or doubt. To you and to all of us, I repeat a wonderful and certain truth: God’s light is real. It is available to all! It gives life to all things.1 It has the power to soften the sting of the deepest wound. It can be a healing balm for the loneliness and sickness of our souls. In the furrows of despair, it can plant the seeds of a brighter hope. It can enlighten the deepest valleys of sorrow. It can illuminate the path before us and lead us through the darkest night into the promise of a new dawn.
This is “the Spirit of Jesus Christ,” which gives “light to every man that cometh into the world.”2
Nevertheless, spiritual light rarely comes to those who merely sit in darkness waiting for someone to flip a switch. It takes an act of faith to open our eyes to the Light of Christ. Spiritual light cannot be discerned by carnal eyes. Jesus Christ Himself taught, “I am the light which shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not.”3 For “the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”4
So how do we open our eyes to the hope of God’s light?
First, start where you are.
Isn’t it wonderful to know that we don’t have to be perfect to experience the blessings and gifts of our Heavenly Father? We don’t have to wait to cross the finish line to receive God’s blessings. In fact, the heavens begin to part and the blessings of heaven begin to distill upon us with the very first steps we take toward the light.
The perfect place to begin is exactly where you are right now. It doesn’t matter how unqualified you may think you are or how far behind others you may feel. The very moment you begin to seek your Heavenly Father, in that moment, the hope of His light will begin to awaken, enliven, and ennoble your soul.5 The darkness may not dissipate all at once, but as surely as night always gives way to dawn, the light will come.
Second, turn your heart toward the Lord.
Lift up your soul in prayer and explain to your Heavenly Father what you are feeling. Acknowledge your shortcomings. Pour out your heart and express your gratitude. Let Him know of the trials you are facing. Plead with Him in Christ’s name for strength and support. Ask that your ears may be opened, that you may hear His voice. Ask that your eyes may be opened, that you may see His light.
Third, walk in the light.
Your Heavenly Father knows that you will make mistakes. He knows that you will stumble—perhaps many times. This saddens Him, but He loves you. He does not wish to break your spirit. On the contrary, He desires that you rise up and become the person you were designed to be.
To that end, He sent His Son to this earth to illuminate the way and show us how to safely cross the stumbling blocks placed in our path. He has given us the gospel, which teaches the way of the disciple. It teaches us the things we must know, do, and be to walk in His light, following in the footsteps of His Beloved Son, our Savior.

Light Overcomes Darkness

Yes, we will make mistakes.
Yes, we will falter.
But as we seek to increase our love for God and strive to love our neighbor, the light of the gospel will surround and uplift us. The darkness will surely fade, because it cannot exist in the presence of light. As we draw near to God, He will draw near to us.6 And day by day, the hope of God’s light will grow within us, “brighter and brighter until the perfect day.”7
To all who feel they walk in darkness, I invite you to rely on this certain promise spoken by the Savior of mankind: “I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”8

Come to the Light

Yes, from time to time our lives may seem to be touched by, or even wrapped in, darkness. Sometimes the night that surrounds us will appear oppressive, disheartening, and frightening.
My heart grieves for the many sorrows some of you face, for the painful loneliness and wearisome fears you may be experiencing.
Nevertheless, I bear witness that our living hope is in Christ Jesus! He is the true, pure, and powerful entrance to divine enlightenment.
I testify that with Christ, darkness cannot succeed. Darkness will not gain victory over the light of Christ.
I bear witness that darkness cannot stand before the brilliant light of the Son of the living God!
I invite each of you to open your heart to Him. Seek Him through study and prayer. Come to His Church, even The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Learn of Him and of His gospel, participate actively, help each other, and joyfully serve our God.
Brothers and sisters, even after the darkest night, the Savior of the world will lead you to a gradual, sweet, and bright dawn that will assuredly rise within you.
As you walk toward the hope of God’s light, you will discover the compassion, love, and goodness of a loving Heavenly Father, “in [whom there] is no darkness at all.”9 Of this I testify in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.


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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Kenady's favortie quote! I like it!

“My dear sisters, our Heavenly Father LOVES you---each of you. That LOVE never changes. It is not influenced by your appearance, by your possessions, or by the amount of money you have in your bank account. It is not changed by your talents and abilities. It is simply there. It is there for you when you are sad or happy, discouraged or hopeful. God’s LOVE is there for you whether or not you feel you deserve LOVE. It is simply always there.”

President Thomas S. Monson

Friday, November 15, 2013

Welcome Home

Dad is home from the hospital and he is feeling so much better. He has had a very bad infection in his body for months due to his gangerous appendix they took out in September. They sent him home with a wound vac. He feels a lot better and now that his infection is clearing up and all that gunk dug out, his renal failure is also improving.
April is coming home from the hospital this weekend and I will go help her next week. She has 4 small children. I better brush up on my little kid skills..............I am a hair rusty on that baby, toddler area. I also better dig deep for my patience and crying levels.
Matt is coming this weekend for his daughters birthday and my sister Mia is having a sleep over here tonight with her kids since Matt will need mom and dads basement. Crazy the lives we lead.
Mom ran into an old friend today. Thank you Linda Hepworth for your wonderful words of encouragement to my sweet mother. You will never know what your experience and hope meant to her. SO glad for good friends that lift you higher. Tender Mercy for sure!
I am making a great dinner for everyone tonight. Jeff immunized all of us today for the FLU! my arm is stiff and sore. He says we will be glad. He makes us do it every year!
The weather is turning cooler...........I am dreading the COLD!
Have a wonderful weekend.
I am just glad everyone is going to make it!
Welcome home everyone!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

One year older and grumpier too!

It's my birthday next week. I never dreaded a birthday until now. I am fat. I am grouchy. I am craving some good news. Turning 41, does not sound like good news. Birthdays are just like any other day. Except you hope it will be a little magical, and it isn't.
The way this world is now, I don't like it. I want to go back. Back to the days where we had good clean TV shows. Back when every song on the radio wasn't about SEX. Back when men didn't swear in front of ladies. Back when All of the ten commandments were taken seriously by MOST people. Back when I could talk to peoples faces, not communicate through text messages and emails. Back when we taught forgiveness, not exploitation and drama, drama, drama! Back when Honesty and virtue were the popular things. I long for simpler times. I hope for a time the world returns to the lost virtues of love, honesty, morality, civility, learning, forgiveness and mercy, thrift and industry, gratitude, optimism, and faith. I am trying so hard to teach these things to my children. When they go out into a world that teaches them it's cool and funny to be disrespectful, or rude, they bring it home. This world we live in is so corrupt. I can't stand the un-virtuous things we see on the media and hear in popular music. I am SO SICK AND TIRED OF PEOPLE JUSTIFYING EVERYTHING BECAUSE--  "I DESERVE TO BE HAPPY!"
I feel grumpy due to all the bad choices. How will I not lose my kids to the standards of the world? Or the bitterness, and anger and resentment that Satan is stirring up in the hearts of all of us? I long for the Saviors second coming. I feel frightened by what lies ahead. How much worse can it get? How many more ugly things can we justify?
I want to go back. I want to go back to a better time. Did I really say I wanted to come to earth now? What was I thinking? Good GREIF!
I know there is good in the world..............just not seeing too much of it lately.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Stake Conference

I loved stake conference today. I sure loved Richard G. Scott's talk. My sweet little Kenady hugged me and rubbed my arm while he spoke of things that she is so aware of. I am so blessed. Kenady is sweet and kind and compassionate. I told her later, "you have been blessed with all those feminine traits that the Savior needs in righteous young women. I sure do love you. Stay sweet, kind, tender and loving."
I am grateful for messages from our leaders.
Right is right and wrong is wrong. Gods laws don't change. The worlds standards are falling. Stay strong and pure.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

This is my blog

 This is my blog. I am the author. I do it for me. Not anyone else. The world says "make drama" "exploit" everything. I say, read it, laugh about it, think about it. Or don't read it. Just don't make trouble for me. I like peace. I like warm happy feelings. I don't need drama caused by people who love drama.
This is my blog. If you can't handle it, don't read it.


Have you seen that movie Penelope? Rent it! Watch it! Love it! Then ask yourself, how similar to this mother am I?
Then, accept it and change.

All that aside----- best kisss is in that movie! Best movie kiss! 2nd best movie kiss is in Never been kissed.
Rent it! Watch it! Love it!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Life is good?

Life is good! But, dang we sure get handled trials all the time.
We are Blessed! But it doesn't mean hard things don't get us down.
My poor dad and mom. He has to go back in for surgery. long, gross, story!
My older sister is in the hospital. 4 little kids at home.
My brother is all alone, he and his wife are getting divorced. He is in Salt Lake and his kids are here. He cries cuz he misses them so very much.
My little sister. Single mom, working, going to school, trying to stay on top of life.
My life is good! I am here for you guys! Anything you need, call me!
They say Mens hearts will fail them? No wonder!
Not if I can help it!
Hang on to hope! Hope for a better day! Believe  that God will not forsake us!
We need some good news..................The good news is God Lives! He loves us! We have a Savior! WE will all live again, no pain, so sickness, no suffering. I CAN'T Wait!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Lost Art of Dating

I miss it. These kids today, don't know how to "date"
Not properly anyway. Jeff is NOT impressed and honestly, I am quite sick and tired of being told I "don't get it" and "it's not how we do it now"
Lazy, half baked effort, into something that could bring about eternities greatest blessings. I miss the good old days!
And I am not even that old!
Excuses are making me annoyed. Girls and Boys are guilty. I have heard stupid things lately from boys and girls in college about "why" it's not worth it or "conditions" that will make it right.
No wonder no one gets married anymore. Thank Heavens I am...........

Web MD says throat cancer

Kels has had a sore throat for a month. The Dr. says it's not strep and no swollen tonsils. But now it hurts so bad. She has neck pain, throat pain and she is losing weight and gagging due to a mass, that is obstructing  her swallowing. Things aren't looking  good. I called Dr. Pearson and got an appointment  ASAP. In the meantime she googled her symptoms. Web MD said throat cancer. I'm thinking an 18 year old girl who doesn't smoke or chew probably doesn't have throat cancer. She is freaking out. Worried she will die, have to go through chemo, lose her hair, never marry, lose her voice, or worse, be scarred!
I am not too worried yet. Let's take it one step at a time doll face. Web MD is just that........lets not go to worse case scenario! Maybe it's just a inflamed something or other.
I'm hoping for the best!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Middle school.....

I'm at the middle school waiting for Kenady in the parking lot. All these kids walking by. Some seem so lost. Others so alone. Then there are the kids in big groups. Makes me sad when I see kids that are dirty with shabby clothes and unkempt hair. I wonder, who cares and loves you? Then there are the kids who look scared and afraid. I was that kid. The school was a scary place for me growing up. What can I do? I can smile and give and love and share. I can pray that each of us will be strengthened and comforted. 
Life is hard. I'm glad  I am an adult. I hated middle school! 
Kenady just got in the car, she got made fun of for being chubby by some boy. Hugs and kisses Kenady, you are beautiful and mommy and your Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ, love you!

Election Day!

Get out and vote! Even if it is for the lesser of the two evils!

Monday, November 4, 2013

A day of rest? haha

Jeff drove home from Ogden Satruday night and got here about 11:30 to get sustained to his new calling and give my dad a blessing. Yesterday I got up at 6:45 and made 45 cinnamon rolls and 15 lemon danish for my friends baby blessing. I delivered them in town at 10:30 and raced home to go to my block of meetings from 11-2.
Jeff got his new calling as the ward finance clerk. They set him apart right after sacrament and then he worked with the exiting finance clerk from 12:30-4:45. He then went to my parents house to give my dad a blessing. We all came home and made dinner. Then, with snow on the forecast and him having to drive to Salt Lake at 5 this morning, he pulled all the Halloween decorations out of the yard with my kids help. I was cleaning up dinner in the nice warm house of course haha
Then, he cleaned out all the bathtub drains. I guess his shower wasn't draining that morning and he couldn't rest until it was done. After everything he did yesterday, he would pass through the kitchen and hit my EASY button "that was easy" he always keeps a good sense of humor! By the time he and I climbed into bed at 10:45, he fell asleep talking to me mid-sentence! UGH
Day of REST...... MY EYE!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloweeeen!

 Its the bearded lady. Jeff worked at the pharmacy all day like this. Drag queen with a beard. hhhhhmmmmmm
 He thinks this is gonna get me feeling romantic..................EW
 Calvin left this laying on the counter. It looks like a skeleton of a dead toddler. creepy
 My little sister Mia and her daughter Lily and My little ninja Calvin
Mia creepin' in the corner.

I am exhausted! Feels like bedtime to me!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What day is it?

What day is it? It's the day the Red Sox won the world series at FENWAY park!
WE are so happy!
I seriously LOVED this last game. The whole series was so fun! They were evenly matched and we got to see some good baseball!
This game made me so happy for Steven Drew! He has made some amazing plays as a amazing short stop! He just couldn't get on base though :(
Then, tonight..... HE HIT A HOME RUN! totally deserved it!
I was bummed they walked Big Papi all night! LAME!
He did get MVP! TOTALLY deserved!
I think it was our punkin's that gave them what they needed tonight!
I love baseball! Thanks for all the talent and the entertainment MLB!
WE will all sleep happy tonight!
SWEEEET ba ba! Good times felt so good!
Don't worry! About a thing! Every little thing, is gonna be alright!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

It's that time again.

 Kelsey's punkin'
 Mom's punkin'
 Kelsey's punkin' with a Red Sox Hat
 Calvin, Cameron and Kenady carving away!
 Jeff..............googling the perfect design. I just cut and go! Ain't nobody got time for that!
 hahaha Calvin is dressing them all up!
 Cam, Kels, Calvin, MOM, Ken, dad.
The Whole Gang!

Just a little Halloween Band Concert............NACHO!

Cam dressed up as Nacho for the Halloween concert. He is so cute.
 NACHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! nice side profile :O
 BIG KISS. Little Hug. xoxoXOXOxOxOXoXo
 The girls had to get in on it too! opposites :)
 Calvin and his best pal.
He rocks it, even with a costume on

So many RM' many RM's never asking for a second date.........teehee

Monday, October 28, 2013

What a Lovely Day!

Jeff had 4 days off in a row. That NEVER happens. Today he and I slept in. Went to lunch. Picked out punkin's. And got a dirty drink. Then we came home and I am bottling him another batch of Toxic Hot Salsa. I cooked it on Saturday, but had NO jars. So today I grabbed some while he was rummaging through the punkin' box at Lins.
We saw one of his co workers at Lins. He says, with a lot of sarcasm "Isn't this a heartwarming sight. I don't think I have ever seen you two together before"
OF course he sees Jeff working and he sees me shopping. He just never sees Jeff and I together shopping. WE both had shorts and flip flops on. It didn't seem that cold when we left. It sure cooled down before we got home.
Tonight we are carving punkin's and having tacos while we watch the 5th game of the World Series.
He makes me laugh that guy. Isn't laughter the BEST medicine?
WE are so blessed.
Here come the kids and all the noise!
Giddy UP!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

hashtag~Bring the beard home!

I've seen Big Popi slide into home twice now this week. Might be the best thing I have ever seen in baseball. Oh the Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defeat!
I will be sad when this season is over. We had such a nice time last night and tonight watching the SOX play with Jeff here.
I sure do love my family.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Does every family have that one kid?

I have 4 kids. There is this little girl I have, that is now 13.  She always has her nose in a book. She is always in her room. She loves to be with friends and having fun, but when she is home, she is always in her room. I ask her what she is doing in there all the time. Heaven knows she is NOT cleaning it! haha
I worry about this. My other 3 kids tend to gravitate to wherever I am. Not clinging to me, but in the same room or vicinity! I don't know what to do with this kid. I worry about where this is going. I am worried she is spending too much time alone. Not to mention, I wish she was involved with all of us more. Not sure what to do.
If she is like this at 13, how secluded will she be at 15? 18?

Buttermilk Syrup.......

I love pancakes! I just don't really love maple syrup. I just found a yummy recipe for Buttermilk syrup.  It was super yummy!
Here is the recipe~

Buttermilk Syrup~

1/2 cup butter
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking soda

Brown your butter first. This is easy, cook it in a large saucepan on high just until bubbles and barely turns brown. DON'T burn it! Then whisk in the sugar and buttermilk and bring to a boil. Add the vanilla and soda. It will bubble up~ make sure you used a big enough pan. After it sits a minute, the foam goes down.
Serve it warm. If it cools down, warm it back up! SO YUM
I am sure this would be so great with french toast and waffles.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Hashtag- Get Beard!

WE are rooting for the Red Sox! We are loving all this post season playing! Cam LOVES big Popi~ David Ortiz. Calvin likes Jacoby Ellsbury. I do too! I have a special place in my heart for Jon Lester! Did you know he is a cancer survivor? He does a lot of fundraising for kids cancer research as well as inspiring cancer patients and cancer survivors. I love people that overcome and then give back to those who are also suffering. People are still good! Good luck tomorrow Red Sox
WE will be cheering for you!
 Jeff grew his beard with the Red Sox this year! What a dork
 Calvin is wearing Camerons Ortiz Jersey from 4 years ago. He needs a Ellsbury Jersey. Maybe for Christmas!
I love my Sox Fans! They are so cute :)

Super Stars!

 Donna was teary eyed. It was Koys last game for his senior year!
 This is my oldest and my youngest. Kelsey and Calvin!
 Here's My super star! Cameron playing in the pit! This is the Marimba he is playing! He looks super cute and oh so talented!
It was senior night for Koy
The Huxfords! I got into CV sports because of them!
 I am going to miss watching you play Koy! Our number 15 :)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Who are you?

 Kelsey and her friend Amanda were set up on a double date today. They came here to wait for their dates to pick them up. I said, "who are these guys? How old? names?"
They didn't know.

So, when they came, I answered the door and asked "What are your names? These girls don't seem to know!"
Kelsey says this is why she is a one date wonder. She only gets asked on one date from guys cuz her family aka her mother is a FREAK!
I am not about to let my most prized possession go out with someone who hasn't had the mother interrogation. I can tell you one thing I have learned. It does NOT matter who their family is, they as boys can still really be naughty!
Kids today! UGH!!!
Have fun girls! You both look lovely and I know you are both so very good and virtuous!

Oh.......... I love a good book!

A book I have been waiting for, for over a year came out today. Fill the tub! Turn on the kindle! I am so there! I love a good book!

Monday, October 21, 2013

On top of Spaghetti...........all covered in LOVE

WE had spaghetti and Meatballs for dinner tonight! One of my kids favorite. I baked the meatballs and then put them in the crock pot with the sauce to simmer for a few hours. Here's the recipe~

1 lb hamburger
1 lb Italian sausage
1 cup bread crumbs
1 cup parmesan cheese
2 eggs
1 TBL minced garlic
1 TBL oregano
1 TBL basil
1 TBL black pepper
1/2 cup water
1 Cup brown sugar.
Mix in your kitchen aid with the paddle. Scoop onto baking sheet. I use my large pampered chef scoop. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.


Serve with gravy, or spaghetti sauce. Simmer with either the gravy or the spaghetti sauce for the best flavor.
I like a cream of mushroom soup gravy mixed with milk instead of water and some sautƩed mushrooms.

Wise Words!

"If we have faith in God and if we are committed to the fundamentals of keeping His commandments and putting Him first in our lives, we do not need to plan every single event - and we should not feel rejected or depressed if some things, even some very important things, do not happen at the time we had planned or hoped or prayed... Do your best on what is fundamental and personal and then trust in the Lord and His timing." Dallin H Oaks

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Heavenly Father is trying to talk to you. Are you listening?

WE have a change of plans. With this new change has come true Peace. Isn't that what the Lord gives us when we make the right choice? I love my girl. She is going to make an amazing elementary school teacher. Heavenly Father was talking to her, was she listening? Eventually. Better late than never!
WE are truly blessed.

From a 10 year olds point of view.

Kelsey and Calvin and I watched the 1st episode of Anne of Green Gables last night. I thought Calvin was going to die laughing!
"Carrots! Carrots!"
It is such a fun show. WE are all a little overly dramatic every once in a while I suppose.
WE put the 2nd disc in and all the girls and women had their hair up in buns with lots of curls around their face. Calvin says to me......"why are all the girls in this movie wearing afros instead of braids now?" LOL!
I guess to him they looked like afros!
"well I'm glad to see that your injured spirits haven't injured your tongue!"
~Marilla Cuthbert~

Thursday, October 17, 2013

A spoon full of sugar...........helps the bitter cup go down!

That spoon full of sugar...........Is our knowledge of our Heavenly Fathers love for us!
It also includes the strength that we can draw from the companionship of the Holy Ghost. When times are hard. When heartache happens, we have to keep going and keep believing, we are not alone, all things happen for our good and that we have our agency, so do those whose actions affect us. We must keep trying! Never give up!

I will keep trying! I have eternity to get it right!

I am a homemaker!

I have spent my whole life making a home. Before I was married, I worked with my parents and siblings to make our house a home. Now, I have been making a home for my own family. All I ever wanted to be was a mom and a wife. Jeff made all my dreams come true! I feel sad for all these girls today that feel ashamed or guilty if they just want to get married and have a family. My own daughter thinks she needs to be a pharmacist. Do I think that would be great.........I don't know. Kelsey is sweet and tender. She is smart and beautiful. She is a woman. She will have kids someday and I know she will want to be home with them. She will want to give them the best of her. She will want them to feel love. Feel safe. Feel secure. I think of her having these goals to go to 6 years of school and I worry. I worry that she is getting sucked into the trap of success according to the worlds definition of success. She is stressed with school and worried how she will be able to provide for a family someday. Why is the world we live in putting so much pressure on a young girl? I put a comment on FB a few weeks ago teasing her that it doesn't matter what kind of grades you are getting in college. What matters is what your future husband is getting on his grades. I sure took some grief over that comment. People said "you can't get away with that these days." "it's not like that anymore" and "that's no longer good enough"
SAYS WHO???? says who??? I do believe in learning. I do! I just don't want us to forget that being a mother, a devoted mother, who loves and cares for her family, teaches them the gospel of Jesus Christ and helps them build a foundation of faith, is the most successful of all careers.
Conference a few weeks ago reminded us what women are, Sweet, tender, loving, nurturing, kind, priceless!
Oh be soft and tender Kelsey. Don't think you have to conquer the world. There is nothing like building a home and holding your sweet children through all the stages of life. They will need you! Heavenly Father needs you! Get an education........just don't forget what you are REALLY here for. It is what you really want! I know you! I know what my sweet girl wants for her life. Don't let the world make you think its NOT enough!
"Mother hood is NOT a hobby, it is a calling....... It is not something to do if you can squeeze the time in. It is what God gave you time for."
Elder ~Neil L. Anderson

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Do husbands clean bedrooms?

My beautiful, smart, talented, spiritual daughter Kelsey has the most disastrous room I have ever seen! Sheesh! When she was younger I would get so sick of the giant mess, I would clean it for her a couple times a month. The last few years, I get so mad, I just shut the door and walk away. So I got to thinking today. Whoever that girl marries, better be able to clean a bedroom. He is going to have to hang up her clothes and get her many half drank glasses of water out of her room.  Her dad told her to keep her room clean after I told him I was so sick of the mess. He then whispered to her "I never have to clean my room or make my bed"
It's true- I always clean it. He works so hard.,...... I clean the bedroom.
Dear Kelsey, marry a  man that will clean your room.  Or one that won't care that you don't!

Red Sox Nation

We are Red Sox Fans. We are
Enjoying these postseason games
The Red Sox are playing in. Sunday night we were down 5-1 against the tigers. We were stressing.  The Sox lost Saturday 1-0!!! Yikes!! Then, the Red Sox line up went through 4 pitchers against 4 Red Sox batters. The bases were
Loaded when big Poppy- David Ortiz- Cams favorite player, hit a grand slam and tied it up! It was SICK!!! Bottom of the 9th......Gomes gets on, and Saltalamaccia gets up
And Gomes comes home and scores! The Sox win it, 6-5. Those
Red Sox were out of the dug out and chased him down! We were so happy! Talk about
A comeback! We wish we had endless money-- we would love to be at Fenway watching it all happen! Maybe someday! Good luck tonight in Detroit-- Boston! We will be cheering loud!
Cam loves #34. Calvin and I, love watching Jacoby Ellsbury........ He steals bases like a crazy man! Love it!!
We cheer for the Red Sox. When the Sox aren't playing, we cheer for anyone that IS NOT the Yankees. You just can't love the Yankees when you are a Red Sox fan.

Can I get a whoop! Whoop!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Friend. Good.

I got this idea off Pinterest. I made this card with a friend. It was fun. I love making cards!

This is where all the action happens!

When I was growing up, my parents room was off limits. NOT in my house. I love when my kids are hanging in my room with me. I love that we can all  be in there laughing and having fun. It's always a good time. Kelsey and Cameron are laughing. That is such a fun picture.

 I am in the background taking a picture of Kelsey. That is the picture I was taking below. Calvin with his dry lips and vaseline all over them. He is a nerd. haha

laundry issues!

I might scream. Wait, I am just going to scream! I am just going to let it all out!
A whole pack of chewing gum went through the washer and dryer! I am going to beat the kid!
Then after 20 years of marriage that man can't seem to put his socks in the laundry without unscrunching them! How can he be so wonderful in so many ways and yet always put his socks all scrunched up for me to unscrunch? These men I live with are causing me to twitch over this laundry lately!
Good thing I love them.
ahhhhhh I feel better now just ranting about it.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I can feel the burn! And taste it :)

I don't always make hot chipotle salsa, but when I do, it burns the nose hairs right off! I am choking and coughing with the spicy fumes! Jeff likes it hot. I put 12 jalepenos, 11 habeneros, 6 anaheims, 15 chili peppers, and 10 santa fe peppers to make it the right temp for JEFF! It will be labeled TOXIC! haha
Last week I made the medium version for the sane people that live here! tee hee

Kelsey's date picked her up right after I had run the peppers through the blender with the tomatoes! LOL his eyes were watering! I think it's funny :)

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

So wise!

"There is enough heartache & sorrow in this life without our adding to it through our own stubbornness, bitterness & resentment."
~ Dieter F. Uchdorf~

What do I believe?

I watched conference this weekend and I LOVED IT! I have made some decisions lately. I want to share with you all that I believe.

I believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ and all that it requires and all that it means. I love my Heavenly Father and My Savior Jesus Christ. I am so very grateful for the life I have been given. I feel so blessed that I was born in this day and age. I am blessed to be a woman in this country, at this time, in this community. I am so sheltered. I am so grateful that I am so sheltered.
I love my family. They are my most priceless possessions. I love my parents. I truly do. I dread the day they aren't here for me. I love my husband and all that he does for his family. My kids are my world. MAN!! I have learned so much from them. I have learned so much about myself from them. WE have the best time together. They make me so happy.
 I believe in forgiveness. I believe in forgiving and being forgiven. Our Heavenly father wants us to forgive! He wants so badly for us to not carry around hurt and bitterness. It tears our souls down. Sometimes we need to remove ourselves from relationships and situations that constantly tear us down. WE can't fix everything. In order for us to heal and to not get reinjured, it's okay to separate from those destructive things and people in our life. That is always a hard lesson to learn.
I know that my Heavenly Fathers hears and answers my prayers! I know he shows me tender mercies. I feel His love and Power in my life, EVERY Day!
I don't know what the future will hold. I do know what my hopes and fears and dreams are for this life.
I am tender, fragile, sensitive, caring, loveable and oh so very afraid. I get hurt so easily. I have so much love to give, but find myself pulling back when I get rejected. I need to give love to those around me to feel good. It is a need I have. I love that I can love. I hope I can always love.
I am so grateful for good people in the world that remind me of all the good in the world. I am lucky to have so many good examples in my life. I am so truly blessed!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I am back!

New Computer is all up and running! I have got to figure out this crazy windows 8 that in on my computer! ugg I don't handle change well, especially the tech changes!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

When lightening strikes!

On Labor Day, my house got struck by lightening. Fried my phones, modem, printer, computer and home theater. Needless to say, it really stinks! We have yet to replace the computer. That's why my recipes aren't getting done each day. Sorry if anyone is sad they aren't getting one.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Symphony Cookies

I love cookies! They are my weakness! I could do 2 weeks worth of cookie recipes and still not do all my favorites! This recipe is so rich and yum! You are happy with just one cookie!

Symphony Cookies-
Cream together
1-1/2 cups butter
2-1/2 cups brown sugar
4 TBL milk
2 TBL vanilla

2 eggs and mix
Mix your dry ingredients
4 Cups flour
2 tsp salt
1-1/2 tsp baking soda
Mix with wet ingredients

Stir in
3 cups milk chocolate chips
1 cup of chopped pecans
1 bag of Hershey toffee, almond, nuggets cut in half

Bake at 375 for 9 minutes!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Brown butter frosting--oh my!

Brown butter banana brownies 
Banana Bread Bars:
1-1/2 c. sugar
1 c. sour cream
1/2 c. butter, softened
2 eggs
1-3/4 (3 or 4) ripe bananas, mashed
2 tsp. vanilla extract
2 c. all purpose flour
1 tsp. baking soda
3/4 tsp. salt
1/2 c. chopped pecans (optional)

Brown Butter Frosting:
1/2 c. butter
4 c. powdered sugar
1-1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
3 tbsp. milk

1.  Heat oven to 375F.  Grease and flour 15x10-inch jelly roll pan.  For the bars, in a large bowl, beat together sugar, sour cream, butter, and eggs until creamy.  Blend in bananas and vanilla extract.  Add flour, baking soda, salt, and blend for 1 minute.  Stir in walnuts.

2.  Spread batter evenly into pan.  Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown.

3.  Meanwhile, for frosting, heat butter in a large saucepan over medium heat until boiling.  Let the butter turn a delicate brown and remove from heat immediately.
4.  Add powdered sugar, vanilla extract and milk.  Whisk together until smooth (it should be thicker than a glaze but thinner than frosting).  Using a spatula, spread the brown butter frosting over the warm bars (the frosting will be easier to spread while the bars are still warm

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Dreamy green eyes.....

My son Cameron is so cute. He has been driving me around the last week. It's awesome! He is such a good boy. I am so blessed. This kid is just my right hand man around here. He has the dreamiest green eyes with these long dark lashes. Sometimes when he is talking to me with his cute little smile and those eyes, I think "some girl is gonna love those eyes someday!" I'm almost jealous haha
He texted me today saying "mom, get Grams a better power bar so she can plug her speakers in for her computer and if you come Pick me up after school, I will go get it all set up for her." So I did and he fixed my moms computer up for her. So, I took him to the red brick house and got him some soup and a sandwich. This is the best part of this story....he takes his soup over to a table with a pepper shaker, starts shaking the pepper into his soup and finally unscrews the lid and pours his pepper right in! Bahahahahaha! I love that kid! I love my boy. I am so blessed to have him as my son. Heavenly Father must have known I would need such a sweet helpful boy.


Hobble, Wobble! That's me these days. Hobbling from exercising, wobbling from being so fat! Must! Eat! Better! No more baking and going to lunch with friends! Last night when I was saying my prayers, I asked for help. Help to not be discouraged, not to give up, to show some self control and stay motivated. We can't live up to our full potential when we are feeling so bad about our physical body. Plus, my pants have to fit when the snow flies, cuz I am not buying bigger!

Fresh Salsa!!

6 cups of tomatoes run through the blender
1 bunch of cilantro chopped fine
1 TBL oregano
2 red peppers chopped
2 bunches green onions chopped
1 yellow onion chopped
2 can diced green chilies
1/8 cup of red wine vinegar
1 TBL of black pepper
1 tsp salt
1 TBL cumin
2 jalapeƱos run through the blender with the tomatoes.

For a chunkier salsa, do the above. For a smoother salsa, run all of it through the blender.
*You can't bottle this salsa.*

Monday, September 2, 2013

Melt in your mouth rolls

Sherrie Dix’s Fabulous Rolls

This recipe works with a kitchen aid but you can use a wire whisk until the dough gets too thick, then you use a big strong spoon.  
2 Cups milk
1 stick of butter
Melt butter in milk in microwave for 4 minutes 
½ Cup hot water
2 Tablespoons of Yeast
1 Tablespoon of sugar
stir with a little whisk in a bowl and let sit until foamy
 4 eggs
2 teaspoons salt
2/3 Cup of sugar
Whip in mixer or with a wire wisk until foamy 
Add milk and butter to egg mixture. Mix well with wisk or mixer. Add a couple cups of flour to cool down the mixture and not kill your yeast!
Add yeast and mix well.
6 -2/3 Cups of flour total
Add your Cups flour, 2 at a time, mix really well. Until you do or don't add  the last 2/3 cup depending on how sticky the dough is. You want it sticky, not gooey.
Let raise for 1 ½ hours or until double. Roll out on floured surface to ½ inch thick. Pour butter on top of dough, Cut into parker house or crescent shapes. Let raise on cookie sheet for 45 minutes. Bake at 400 for 10-15 minutes until brown.
If you put this dough somewhere warm to raise, they will be bigger! NOT HOT just nice and warm.

 ***This dough makes great cinnamon rolls also.***