Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Babe Of Bethlehem

~Day 21 of my Favorite Christmas Thoughts~

Silent night, Holy night
Son of God, love's pure light
Radiant beams from thy holy face
With the dawn of redeeming grace,
Jesus, Lord at thy birth,
Jesus, Lord at thy birth!

The Babe of Bethlehem...
"Part of the purpose for telling the story of Christmas is to remind us that Christmas doesn't come from a store. Indeed, however delightful we feel about it, even as children, each year it 'means a little bit more.' And no matter how many times we read the biblical account of that evening in Bethlehem, we always come away with a thought—or two—we haven’t had before....
"I, like you, need to remember the very plain scene, even the poverty, of a night devoid of tinsel or wrapping or goods of this world. Only when we see that sacred, unadorned child of our devotion—the Babe of Bethlehem—will we know why... the giving of gifts is so appropriate" ~Jeffrey R. Holland,

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Spirit of Christ

~Day 22 Of My Favorite Christmas Thoughts~
 Peace on the earth
 Good will to men
 From heaven's all gracious King
 The world in solemn stillness lay
 To hear the angels sing

The Savior Gave Freely To All.
And His gifts were of value
beyond measure.
Throughout His ministry, He blessed
the sick, restored sight to the blind,
made the deaf to hear, and the lame
to walk. He gave cleanliness to the
unclean. He restored breath to the
lifeless. He gave hope to the
despairing and He sowed light in the
darkness. He gave us His love,
His service, and His life. What is
the spirit we feel at Christmastime?
It is His spirit-the spirit of Christ.
- Thomas S. Monson

Come and See....and KNOW!

~Day 23 Of My Favorite Christmas Thoughts~

What child is this, who, laid to rest,
On Mary's lap lay sleeping?
Whom angels greet with anthems sweet,
While shepherds watch are keeping?
This, this is Christ the King,
Whom shepherds guard and angels sing:
Haste, haste to bring Him love,
The Babe, the son of Mary....

Come and See
"The shepherds were invited to come and see. They saw. They trembled. They testified. They rejoiced. They saw Him wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger, the Prince of Peace......."At this Christmas season I extend to you the gift of determination to come and see......"A young man in deep trouble and despair said to me recently, 'It's all right for others to have a Merry Christmas, but not me. It's no use. It's too late.'".......We can stay away and complain. We can stay away and nurse our sorrows. We can stay away and pity ourselves. We can stay away and find fault. We can stay away and become bitter. Or we can come and see! We can come and see and know!"
~Marvin J. Ashton

Sunday, December 1, 2013

We all Need Christmas!

Day 24 of my favorite *Christmas Thoughts*

C is for the Christ child, born on Christmas day
H for herald Angels in the night
R means our Redeemer ...
I is Israel
S is for the star that shone so bright
T is for Three wise men, they who traveled far
M is for the manger where he laid
A is All he stands for
S means shepherds came
And that's why there's a Christmas Day........

"So who needs Christmas? We do! All of us! Because Christmas can bring us closer to the Savior, and he is the only source of lasting joy....
"We need Christmas because it helps us to be better people, not only in December but in January, June, and November.
"Because we need Christmas we had better understand what it is and what it isn't. Gifts, holly, mistletoe, and red-nosed reindeer are fun as traditions, but they are not what Christmas is really all about. Christmas pertains to that glorious moment when the Son of our Father joined his divinity to our imperfect humanity"
~Hugh W. Pinnock

December 1st

25 days of my favorite Christmas thoughts ----

Said the king to the people everywhere,
Listen to what I say
Pray for peace, people everywhere!
Listen to what I say
The Child, the Child, sleeping in the night
He will bring us goodness and light
He will bring us goodness and light

The Christmas Spirit-
"Born in a stable, cradled in a manger, He came forth from heaven to live on earth as mortal man and to establish the kingdom of God. During His earthly ministry, He taught men the higher law. His glorious gospel reshaped the thinking of the world. He blessed the sick. He caused the lame to walk, the blind to see, the deaf to hear. He even raised the dead to life. To us He has said, 'Come, follow me.'

"As we seek Christ, as we find Him, as we follow Him, we shall have the Christmas spirit, not for one fleeting day each year, but as a companion always. We shall learn to forget ourselves. We shall turn our thoughts to the greater benefit of others"  ~Thomas S. Monson
He truly did bring the whole world Goodness and Light!