Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I have reorganized my kitchen! YAY :D
I have painted Kenady's room and the home theater! YAY!
All with the help of my darling children! Double YAY!
I have organized all my bookshelves! YAY!
Now I am going to start on my cook book! Then next week I will get those bedspreads going! :D
Feeling pretty good about life!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Happy Anniversary Baby

For your veiwing pleasure~
19 years ago today I married this cute boy! What a ride we have had! We married and he stayed in school. Sadly, I quit to work. Looking back I wish I hadn't, but oh well. We married June of 1993. Had Kelsey January 4th 1995. Moved to Omaha Nebraska August of 1995 to attend Pharmacy school. We had Cameron on August 25th 1998. Jeff Graduated May of 1999....oh happy day!  Moved to Cedar in June of 1999. Had Kenady May 31st of 2000. Moved into our first home in July of 2000. We had Calvin August 11th 2003. Jeff has worked for Wal-Mart, Albertsons-which became Fresh Market-which became Associated foods. His full time gig is here in Cedar at the Lins. We moved into our 2nd home September of 2006. We now have a 17 year old, a 13 year old, 12 year old and 8 year old. Where has the time gone? We have luckily had more good times than hard times. Jeff tragically lost his brother Mike a few years ago. I never knew his mother, she passed away the fall after he graduated from high school. He takes good care of the kids and I. He is a hard worker, and I love him. What a beautiful Memory I have of our wedding day. Yesterday my daughter Kelsey taught the YW lesson on temple marriage. I snuck in to hear it and she had brought this picture to put on the board for all to see :D haha
Anyways, I felt inspired to tell these girls, we didn't have a lot of money. I rented my dress. My pictures were kinda lame. My wedding cake was burnt.....luckily noone but me knew that since it was frosted.  But I will never forget the sealing and the feeling in the temple that day. It really doesn't matter about all the fluff! Kelsey quoted a general authority that said......what matters is that you get married to the right person, in the right place, with the right authority.....I totally agree. A wedding is an event, a marriage takes a lifetime of love, commitment, sacrifice, forgiveness, and a million other little things!
Thanks Jeff for making all my wishes come true!! I sure do love you :D

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fathers Day

My dad took good care of me until I married my husband. My husband has taken good care of me ever since. My Heavenly Father has always taken good care of me. My husband is an amazing father! Happy fathers day :)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Why Me Lord?

 Seriously!!! I feel like this everyday...........There is this whole other person on the back side of me!

 I think I am great! I just pretend like I am amazingly sexy......It's Denial really! hahahahahhaha

 Thank you J.K. Rowling!! I know lots of girls with knock out bodies in their little bikini's all over face book, they are some of the meanest girls I know! I am NOT cruel, chubby and fat yes, cruel~NO!

I really hate being in a swimming suit! This is pretty much how it would look if they had asked me to star in the little mermaid...........but look how fat and HAPPY I am :D

I started thinking about this yesterday when I took my cute little Kelsey to find a swimming suit! The girl is 5 foot 2 and weighs 112 lbs. She runs and runs and has in the last 2 weeks started doing cross fit 4 days a week. Sadly, she tries on the swimming suits and like every other woman with a bootie......she gets depressed. She says to me "mom, life is hard enough without having to feel like crap about your body. I have a flat chest! I have big thighs! I have dimples on my butt! Why did Heavenly Father do this to us?"
I said, in all my wisdom........"I have no idea!" hahahahaha so wise huh? I went on to say "I have asked myself the same question for my whole life. I think you are lovely, and you need to not focus on what your body isn't and focus on what your body IS. It is healthy!"

Honestly, That is why I say.....I am not perfect! But parts of me are pretty amazing! Calvin told me years ago......"Mom you exercise too much! Look how skinny I am and I never exercise." LOL love that kid.
Make it a great day!


My list of projects for the SUMMER~
1~Paint Kenady's room! I have the paint and supplies *lacking motivation!
2~Put together a cookbook for my kids and freinds of all my amazing recipes! *I need my computer out of the repair shop!! UGH!!
3~Make Donnas bedspread and pillows. *I have the Material.......just need the time!
4~Make my mommy a bedspread and pillows *I also have that material......just need the time!
5~Reorganize my kitchen. *Oh my heavens........I just feel depressed thinking about that one!
6~Reorganize my bookshelves. *Why do I have so many books? oh, cuz I love to read DUR!
7~Clean out under the stairs and put up shelves for food storage. *swear words
8~Clean out the storage room and put up shelves. *more swear words

My Friday Night Project

I took a break from my sewing machine and made some cards :D

I watched Jane Austens BBC's version of Persuasion while I did it....LOVE

Black and Red and White are so fun!

I need to finish up some sewing projects and then I think I might make some fun cards!
Make it a Great Day!

Just Keep Swimming! Swimming! Swimming!

My cute little Kenady competed in the Utah Summer Games today! She is barely 12 years old :D SO BRAVE
I got there 2 races before her race and she came up to me with tears in her eyes...."Mom I am so nervous" I gave her a big hug and said "you just have fun Kenady. Just do your best that's all you can do. Go say a quick prayer and I will say one too." She walked away from me and I watched her down by her Block waiting for her race! The 200 meter Freestyle........She climbed up, they blew the whistle, she took her position. Buzz! Off she dived into the pool! But as she came past me, her goggles were NOT on! They had slipped on to her neck on her entry......she can't see under water with out those she was falling to last place! When she reached the end of the pool, she pulled her goggles off her neck and back up to her eyes! Phew! But she was in last place with 3 laps to catch up! Oh dear.......She swam and swam and swam and by the last 50 meters she was flying! Oh my goodness she passed 2 kids up after being so far behind. She didn't medal but even though her goggles fell off in the start, she just kept swimming without her goggles and didn't quit! When she went to shower I sat there in the pool area and cried......So proud of her for just doing what she had to do even though she had a rough start!
Wow! My kids are such examples to me :D Go Kenady! Way to be a champion!
Last week Kelsey put on FB......You can't fail if you never quit! Way to not quit Kenady!

Bronze Medal Winner!!

There he is! Cameron won the 100 meter back stroke Bronze Medal Ladies and Gentleman!!
He did great! He also swam the 50 meter Freestyle and although he did not place, he did great!
Jeff was there to see him which was nice! Way to go Cameron! SO proud of you buddy :D

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Girls are Stupid and Boys are Scum?

Oh my goodness! Let me just tell you what it is like to have a beautiful teenage daughter! It's pretty stinkin' crazy honestly! I have a darling 17 year old daughter. She is of course "well liked" by the boys. Somehow this really leaves her feeling used and humiliated. I have asked my self this question so many times since she turned 16 I have lost count.....How can someone SO smart and SO mature in so many ways, Be SO stupid when it comes to boys? I could honestly write an ENTIRE blog on the things boys have said to her in the last 18 months! It would shock you!
I think I finally figured this out.
Here is the scenerio~ repeatedly!
Boy asks her out. They go on about 3 dates. They text. They flirt. They hold hands. They hug........They kiss. BAM! She doesn't hear from them again or if she does hear from them, it is days or weeks later with a dozen excuses as to why they haven't contacted her..........All of them having to do with the fact that she expected too much or she was too serious. Before you think she is guilty of all those things let me give you an idea of the things that were said to her leading up to this. " I need you. I miss you. I want you." So a girl is lured in with words and flattery. They pursue her and her company and when they kiss her a few times they are gone with out an explanation. She feels used. She say's
 "mom, what's wrong with me?" I say NOTHING..........but you need to stop letting them kiss you!
SO our latest is this summer. She goes to Youth conference. Meets a kid there. He pursues her. I say don't kiss him. So she doesn't and guess what???? She listens to me! She doesn't kiss him! Is he still pursuing her? Kind of, but he is also pursuing another girl in our neighborhood. I say don't you kiss him unless her earns your trust. Makes you feel like he isn't just gonna mark you on his list of kisses and move onto the next girl. She is learning! She is listening! I think I might respect this kid if he lets it all go knowing he doesn't really want anyting from her instead of Playing her like a lot of the guys who have come around these last 18 months.
I say, Flirt! Have fun! Don't get too sad over boys! I also say......stop kissing boys that don't really care about you!
She does not want a serious boyfriend. She also just wants to be treated like she means something special to someone who says sweet things to her. She has developed some trust issues for sure.
I have a 14 year old boy...............Heaven Help me when he likes girls! Please help me to direct his paths for good :D
NOT all girls are stupid. Not all boys are scum.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Manti Utah Temple

Yesterday I went to the Manti Temple in Utah! It was so lovely.........
My freind Donna and I had to drop her son off at Youth Conference that our ward was having at Snow College. Then we had to wait until 3:30 to bring her other son to Salina for a basketball tournament. So we decided to make the best of it and do some work at the Manti temple.
I got up at 5 and left at 6. Traveled to Ephraim and dropped off her son and headed back to Manti to the temple. I read this cool book in the visitors center about the building of the temple and looked at amazing pictures of the history. The whole experience left me feeling in awe and amazed at the hard work and dedication of the people who built that temple back in 1887! They didn't miss a single detail and it was so beautiful! I just loved the whole experience! Of course I am now in love with that temple and want to go back soon!
My mom and dad were married there and I tried to call her this morning to share my experiences but sadly, she did not answer the phone haha
My kids have been there for 3 days and they will be home today! Yay :D
I saw kids from our stake out on the temple grounds doing a service project yesterday! I just love our church <3
Make it a Great Day

Thursday, June 7, 2012


I sat in the parking lot of our Stake Center this morning and said a prayer asking for Help in my life to stop drinking pickle juice! haha :D I feel as though all the naughty people get exactly what they want and my kids, who are amazing and good and kind and true always end up dead last or alone! I have to get over the Talon mess! I have to let go of always asking WHY? BLACH!! I just have to get OVER IT! Please Lord, Help me just get over it!
I love my kids! I love and adore them! They have all they need in life right now! They have a family that loves them! They have the gospel of Jesus Christ........They have the comforts of this safe valley, free country and modern world! What on earth am I still crying about?? Sheesh! Don't I have enough FAITH in my Heavenly Fathers Plan to stop asking why? Don't I have the knowledge of the Atonement and the Power to use it? Don't I just KNOW better? My goodness I better just humble myself and stop being a pickle juice drinker! Diet Pepsi is just so much more refreshing!! :D hahahaha
Make it a Great Day!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Sand Hollow~ Fun in the Sun

 Cameron and Jordan Cliff Jumping! You wouldn't catch me doing anything of the sort!
 Cam, Jordan and Kels! You shoulda heard the scream out of her when she came up out of the water! BRRRR!
 That little cutie was jumping in with the big kids! He was the first one in the water!
There was a big cliff on the other side of the rocks they were jumping off! I didn't go over there..........Too many teenagers and I didn't want to feel awkward without my Bikini haha :D

We took Jordan our cute cousin to sand hollow today! So much fun. Kenady would NOT go! She stomped her foot and let me know she was NOT coming! "I won't go and you can't make me! I will walk home if I have too"..........WOW!! I just looked at her and the only thing running through my mind was "dang that girl is me!" hahahahahha Kelsey and Calvin are SILENTLY stubborn! Well Cameron and Kenady are like me~They have NO problem telling me just how they feel! So fine, we left her home :( Good times! Jeff comes home from OVERTON tonight! YAY :) He forgot his cell phone and so I have not been able to talk to him all week! SO glad he will be home tonight!!
Make it a great day!


 Cameron and Kenady Swimming 200 laps for the SWIM a Thon
When they were done! Still Smiling :D

My 2 middle kids, are SWIMMERS!! They are on a swim team that had a swim a thon to raise money! 200 laps! I was tired just watching! haha :D It took them an hour and a half to swim 200 laps. When they were done, I said "was it hard" they both said "No way! Just boring!" haha
Way to go Cameron and Kenady! They practice Monday thru Friday 8-10. Next week they are both swimming in the UTAH SUMMER GAMES! Woot! Woot!
Sure do love those 2 cuties!
They are only 21 months apart in age, both in braces, both in middle school and both are super big helpers!
Cameron plays the DRUMS, Piano, and trumpet! Kenady plays the piano and the clarinet! I play the RADIO and CD's :D


 ~Kels and Me in front of the Provo Temple May 28th 2012~
 Kels, Brady, McKenzie at EFY~Provo May 2012
 Kels~ cute even as a "Nerd" haha :) EFY May 2012
Kels and Kenzie~EFY June 2012

If you ever have a chance to send your teenagers to EFY, DO IT!! Kelsey has gone the last 3 years and she has loved it! The 1st 2 years she went to the EFY at SUU. This year I got her in the EFY on BYU's campus and she was so so nervous to be away from home and all alone. HA :) all alone in a huge city with 1,000 kids at EFY? Anyways, when I took her up we went to the Provo temple and took a picture of us. There were a million pink roses in full bloom! It was so completely breathtaking!! It was a Monday and a holiday so the temple was closed. We were the only ones there. It was a beautiful sunny spring day and it was LOVELY! Peaceful! Happy!

Then I dropped her off at BYU! She walked away from me and I knew everything would be GREAT for her! Sure enough I got a text each night saying hi, then she would fall asleep a few texts later haha :)
While she was gone, I missed her. She is my little buddy afterall. Kels and I have always been partners in crime. Her Daddy was in Pharmacy school the first 4 years of her life and she did everything with me! We are so much a like in so many ways and she is so much like her Daddy in so many ways! I love her Dearly and have a million hopes and dreams for her! haha Luckily she has hopes and dreams for herself too!
Friday night I drove up to Heber to stay the night. I was suppose to pick her up at 7 Saturday outside Helaman Halls. Before I went to bed she texted me saying she was going to go do baptisms for the dead at the Provo temple with her new friend McKenzie in the morning!  When I picked her up the next morning around 9:30, her and McKenzie, her new best friend, looked so beautiful and happy! They had met at EFY while each choosing a jalepeno cheese bagel! Instantly they loved each other and shared that wonderful bond of the knowledge of their Divine Nature! Beautiful Daughters of GOD. I am so thankful for EFY programs where these kids can go for a week and be immersed in good things. She hung with McKenzie and Brady all week! Great kids!
She shared her testimony of the Savior with me on the way home. They had a big class on the Living Christ and wrote down her testimony of Him. What a girl she is.
Kelsey has a friend at the MTC right now. She had sent him some tic tacs on his first day there (kinda a inside story) and while she was at EFY she recieved a letter from him. I don't know why my kids are so curious! I can't imagine where they got that from?? hee hee Anyways they had steamed it open, resealed it, and then ironed it flat again!! I had to break it to her on the way home that her naughty brothers had steamed her letter open and read it! But Kelsey just laughed and moved on!
Sadly, they had 2 dances that week and she was not asked to dance. This was kinda hard on a teenage girl :( Not really sure what that was all about! I think she is lovely! She came home a better person with a stronger testimony and a new best friend! It's good for these kids to find kids like themselves!
Make It A Great Day

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Blue! I am a lover of BLUE

I Adore Flowers! Blue is the Loveliest Color! This picture makes me feel all sorts of Amazing emotions :D

The Chubby on me! HA

Hello! My name is Sherrie :D My last name is Dix, However that :D back there, well that was a big smiley face and not a colon followed by a capital D! HA
I am a mother of 4 of the MOST amazing kids ever! Kelsey is 17. Cameron is 13. Kenady is 12 and Calvin, mommies little sweetheart, is 8. I am a lot older than that so we won't include how old I am. HA!
I am my own best friend. Which I think is a good thing considering I spend more time with myself than with anyone else and I know myself a heck of a lot better than anyone else! HA :D
I really love the quote "To love oneself is the begining of a lifelong romance." True! True! True! How horrible would life be if you couldn't stand yourself? Dreadful thought! Now that doesn't mean there aren't things about myself I would like to change. There are!! Believe you me! Looking back at my life lately I have noticed that I am just getting better and better all the time. A lot of this I feel is do the getting older and wiser OR the fact that I just don't really care about a lot of the trivial things I use to AND the fact that I seem to laugh at just about everything anymore.............Interesting HMMMM and of course the fact that I have tried to be better mostly because I KNOW BETTER!
I am trying to set up this blog. It's only a year and a half in the making. I am making this a priority right now though so check back SOON and maybe there will be some very interesting, if not at least, SUPER DUPER sarcastic things to read!
Make it a great Day!

The children I ADORE!

 My Cute Kids!
Summer 2012