Monday, June 25, 2012

Happy Anniversary Baby

For your veiwing pleasure~
19 years ago today I married this cute boy! What a ride we have had! We married and he stayed in school. Sadly, I quit to work. Looking back I wish I hadn't, but oh well. We married June of 1993. Had Kelsey January 4th 1995. Moved to Omaha Nebraska August of 1995 to attend Pharmacy school. We had Cameron on August 25th 1998. Jeff Graduated May of 1999....oh happy day!  Moved to Cedar in June of 1999. Had Kenady May 31st of 2000. Moved into our first home in July of 2000. We had Calvin August 11th 2003. Jeff has worked for Wal-Mart, Albertsons-which became Fresh Market-which became Associated foods. His full time gig is here in Cedar at the Lins. We moved into our 2nd home September of 2006. We now have a 17 year old, a 13 year old, 12 year old and 8 year old. Where has the time gone? We have luckily had more good times than hard times. Jeff tragically lost his brother Mike a few years ago. I never knew his mother, she passed away the fall after he graduated from high school. He takes good care of the kids and I. He is a hard worker, and I love him. What a beautiful Memory I have of our wedding day. Yesterday my daughter Kelsey taught the YW lesson on temple marriage. I snuck in to hear it and she had brought this picture to put on the board for all to see :D haha
Anyways, I felt inspired to tell these girls, we didn't have a lot of money. I rented my dress. My pictures were kinda lame. My wedding cake was burnt.....luckily noone but me knew that since it was frosted.  But I will never forget the sealing and the feeling in the temple that day. It really doesn't matter about all the fluff! Kelsey quoted a general authority that said......what matters is that you get married to the right person, in the right place, with the right authority.....I totally agree. A wedding is an event, a marriage takes a lifetime of love, commitment, sacrifice, forgiveness, and a million other little things!
Thanks Jeff for making all my wishes come true!! I sure do love you :D


  1. Beautiful post Sherrie. Your hair cracks me up :). Oh, the 90's. Hehe. What you said about marriage and the ceremony is so true. Matt and I eloped and it was the best thing we ever did :). ~S

  2. Happy Anniversary Baby - - -got you on my mind! Love reading your blog. The hairdo is awesome, I remember those days - - -the bigger the better . . heheheh.
